
What do you think of this Texan, wantonly killing two Robbers who were illegal immigrants?

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This Texas man, shot and killed two guys he witnessed robbing his next door neighbor. He confronted them and then shot them the back. They apparently fell and died on his property somehow so he got off the hook for murder. Grand jury let him off on defending himself apparently. I gotta wonder about shooting them in the BACK however. Wonder what went on? Seems to me this send an interesting message and I DO think it has to do with these guys being illegals. Whataya think?




  1. it is not right to kill any person eventhough they are robbers.because a texan has not the authority to kill person without the due process of low. unless he defends himself.

  2. Self defense is NOT shooting in the back!!!that shows they were leaving and they were no threat to him.

    you talking of the december 2007 shooting right?

  3. They were in the midst of a criminal act in the immediate vicinity of his home.

    Good man. More power to him.

  4. Why are you suggesting their immmigration status has anything to do with it??

    If you make this claim, then you are claiming he KNEW they were illegal criminal aliens.

    Also, if you make this claim, then you are claiming that he KNEW the robbers. Not only THAT, but he KNEW their immigration status.

    Too many "coincidences" for me.

    What happened was he confronted robbers and shot them. It so happens that they turned out to be illegal criminal aliens...Period.

  5. He was protecting his neighbors and I applaud him for it. We need more like him.

  6. And what were these illegals doing? I thought they were just here to work and provide a better life for their family lol! American's have the right to defend their property and Texas is notorious for that. If someone broke into my house I would shoot them and if they chose to run then it just might hit them in the back. I'm glad he got off because it is about time people breaking the law have less rights.

  7. We need more brave men like this Texan

  8. good shot

  9. Its texas law although granted it generally only applies to your own personal property if someone is on it with hostile intent you are aloud to use any force you want to stop them from harming you or your home. Obviously there is a flaw in his arguement since he confronted him and they turned their backs to him but still who cares the were burglarizing a home. FYI robbery implies force against a person if the owner of the home was not present it would not be considered robbery since no force or threat of force could have been used.

  10. lots of debate about that here and  i dont want to offend anyone but in texas if someone is stealing property from you or your vehicle you can kill them. Also you can kill them for stealing cattle. Also if either one of the robbers had a gun, whether or not they were running away or shot in the back or whatever then  if they are on your property or you drag them to your property without the cops knowing you drug them then you can kill them..  I live here in a small town and old ladies will fire shotguns at highschool kids for smashing pumpkins and such.  WILD WILD WESt.  sad story though about the immigrants.  a leg shot would have done the trick youknow?

  11. more power to him.  they were committing a crime, so they deserved it.

  12. I think he is an American hero.  Kudos to him.  And for the record:  the Harris County Grand Jury agrees with me.

    Grand jurors reviewed the case yesterday and the decision was not to prosecute.  Ultimately he was considered to be protecting his neighbors property on his behalf.

    The Grand Jury had to consider two issues in the case: the intentional killing of another person and whether the killing was justified either by self-defense or the defense of property.

    In Texas we have laws that protect homeowners and that allow people to protect their property.

    God Bless Texas.  And God bless this gentleman.

  13. I think when sombody is shot in the back that proves they was running AWAY from you. If it was anybody but a illegal ppl on here wouldn't be saying good they'd be saying he deserved jail for murder. When ppl can just shoot sombody coz they saw them stealing or whatever then get free I think we don't need NO laws then. We'll go back to the olden days. Excuse me while I go shoot my neighbor coz their boy slapped my little girl and knocked her down now I fear for her life. See how that works?

  14. First I saw no where that Joe Horn asked if they were illegal or not, so their legal status has nothing to do with it. Surely the fact that they were committing a B & E explains the reason for the shooting more throughly than any other reason.

    Neighbor Shoots, Kills 2 Burglary Suspects

    POSTED: 4:17 pm CST November 14, 2007

    UPDATED: 10:27 am CST November 15, 2007

    Mr. Horn for those not aware of this story had phoned 911 to report hearing glass breaking. Mr. Horn then (armed) went next door to stop them."When they tried to run, investigators said the neighbor fired two shots. Both burglary suspects were killed." At the time it was not known if the suspect were armed.

    "It's important to note that the neighbor isn't in the same position as the homeowner," KPRC Local 2 legal analyst Brian Wice said. "The neighbor does not have the same right to use deadly force."Wice said he does not believe charges are likely.The case may be referred to a grand jury for possible charges.

    This is the report of the 911 call from Mr. Horn to the police department.

    PASADENA, Texas -- The 911 call a Pasadena man made before he shot and killed two suspected burglars was released Thursday, KPRC Local 2 reported.

    The man made the call when he saw two men climb out a window of his neighbor's home on 7400 block of Timberline Drive in the Village Grove East subdivision on Wednesday.

    Operator: "I've got officers coming out there. I don't want you to go outside that house and I don't want you to have that gun in your hand when those officers are poking around out there."

    Caller: "I understand that, but I have a right to protect myself too, sir."

    The 911 operator warned the man several times to stay in his home. The man took matters into his own hands and confronted the burglars, police said.

    Caller: "Here it goes, buddy." (sound of shotgun pumping) "You hear the shotgun clicking and I'm going."

    Operator: "Don't go outside." (sound of shotgun pumping)

    The man became upset as he described seeing two men leaving his neighbor's home.

    Caller: "They got a bag of something."

    Operator: "Don't go outside the house."

    Caller: "I'm doing it."

    Operator: "Mr. (blank), do not go outside the house."

    Caller: "I'm sorry. This ain't right, buddy."

    Operator: You're going to get yourself shot if you go outside that house with the gun."

    Caller: "You wanna make a bet? I'm going to kill them."

    Moments later, in portion of the tape KPRC Local 2 chose not to release, a shotgun was heard firing at least twice.

    Both suspects died at the scene. Their names have not been released.Police found a pillowcase stuffed with hundreds of dollars.

    In the aftermath, the 911 operator tried to get a handle on the situation.

    Operator: "Put that gun down before you shoot an officer of mine. I've got several officers out there without uniforms on."

    Caller: "I'm in the front yard right now."

    Operator: "Put that gun down!"

    Police said the investigation into whether or not the shooter acted appropriately is ongoing. They spent most of Thursday taking precise measurements of the scene.

    According to KPRC Local 2 legal analyst Brian Wice, a neighbor is permitted to use deadly force only if he has been asked to protect the other neighbor's property. Police said it is not clear if that was the case in this situation.

    This transcript reads to me out of sequence, the same he was told not to go out. Mr Horn also implies that he was going to shoot then states," You wanna make a bet? I'm going to kill them."

    Fast forward to today, Mr. Horn has been cleared of any criminal charges. The link provide below is the story of the findings and also has links to the previous stories reported by "The Houston News" Read them yourself and form your own opinion.

    My personal opinion is live and learn.

    I wonder why there has been no news as to who was on the jury, isn't  this something that the media loves to report in high profile cases such as this?

    Before this I just didn't care, if someone broke into my or my neighbors house I always felt that I would do what I needed to do and pay for my actions afterwards.

    Now I know that there is a chance that I may be cleared of any wrong doing even if I state my intentions to inflict bodily harm.

  15. Don't mess with Texas I guess.

    Nobody ever said robbery and burglary didn't come with inherent risks.

    I guess crime really doesn't pay.  Who'd a thunk that.

  16. I can't believe that c**p! even if they weren't illegals immigrants! If you read the story or listen to the 911 tape, they were heading out the house and did not even pose a threat to that man. He kept repeating to the 911 dispatcher, if he should stop them.....and 911 kept telling him not to. He was not defending himself!!!!!!!!!! BULL SH*T! the idiot could have shot an officer if they were already there.

    They were shot in the back! is that self defense?

    “He shouldn’t have shot those men. He shot them in the back,” Stephany Storey said Friday. “I think he should see jail time. He should be behind bars.”

  17. Had they not being illegals, he would have gone to jail for murder

    By the way, do you have a photograph of the shooter ?

    If I see him entering my garden, I know I can shoot him, according to the logic I saw here

  18. It does not matter their legal status, he had every right to shoot them, more power to him!!!

  19. They were on his property.

  20. I pity the fool that thinks this case has anything to do with illegals.

    So sad nowadays that illegals not only get off the hook for illegal entry into another nation, they get to use their illegal status to claim discrimination or prejudice.


    This case was about felony burglars and the man who shot them, not about the legal status of anyone.

  21. when a person decides to brake the law they know the risk!!

    no matter what color of the rainbow they are!

  22. Ive heard about this on the news several times and I never heard them say he shot them in the back.

    They were shot cause they were stealing his neighbors posessions.

    The new laws here in Texas gives individuals the right to protect themselves, their property or others if they feel threatened to be harmed or will loose property. And its ok to use deadly force.  Is there something wrong with protecting yourself or your property? Or that of your neighbor?  The police cant protect you from murder.  All they can do is investigate.  He shot them cause they were thieves.  I guess they wont threaten or steal from anyone else will they?

  23. murder is murder, nobody in this world has the right to take anybody's life.

  24. How do you "wantonly" kill two robbers? It would seem more accurate to say the two felons were wantonly invading his neighbor's house and he had reasonable suspicion to believe that they could do his neighbor or him harm. The message is, and should be, you have a right to defend your property and yourself.

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