
What do you think of this US fans?new format for the MLS and US soccer development?

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the MLS must change their be able to compete with the elite nations of football we must adapt.our league is run by single entity management.this puts many restrictions and hinders growth internationally.the MLS is against super clubs.while this is good for our national growth and national competition it is bad for our international growth and international competition.

I have studied the MLS.every team has a maximum budget of 2.3 million to spend yearly on its players.most teams have about 20 to 23 we could say that the median salary that the average MLS player recieves is 100,000 $ US.thats pretty low for a pro athlete in the US.

I propose we grant 2 clubs in the MLS the freedom to spend more and buy American players from other MLS clubs.I believe these 2 clubs should be Chicago and Los Angeles as they both have their own stadiums.the MLS can give them a maximum budget of 5 million.allow them to buy American players from other MLS teams to form powerful teams.

this would allow players like donovan and klejstan to be teammates.rico clark could be the d-mid and will hesmer could be starting goalie.colin clark could be winger and jimmy conrad could be in the central defense.drew moor could be starting right back and cooper could be a starting forward up top with landon.alvarez could be back up forward on the bench.bornstein could be leftback.

in Chicago shalrie joseph could be starting d-mid.matt reiss goalie,marshall central defense,rogers as forward up top with mcbride,davy arnaud right winger,hunter freeman right back,igwe left back etc.

every up and coming top American talent could join either one of these superclubs for more money and more prestige.the American MLS players would develop far better playing in these types of clubs.

imagine how good sacha would be right now if he played next to landon,cooper,rico clark,drew moor,conrad,hesmer,alvarez,colin clark.

this would help all of them grow as footballers.

how good do you think these 2 clubs would do in the Concacaf champions much better would these players be if they could play in clubs that could dominate the whole league.

imagine the derbys between them.the US national team would grow so much stronger.the US could pick their players from Europes elite leagues and our 2 MLS superclubs.

last note.this is exactly what Argentina does.the clubs they have are called River Plate and Boca Juniors.




  1. This wouldn't work...MLS is expanding.  What investor would ever consider spending 40+ Million for a club that would get its butt kicked?????  People have to stop comparing MLS to leagues and clubs that have been around for 100 years.  Wake up people!!!!!  MLS is going to follow the American sports blue print.  Who cares what other countries do?  MLS will be successful.  Keep in mind MLS is 12 years old.  I believe in another 10 years MLS will be better than FMF.  I have read that the salary cap is going up for next season; which will lead to better players and better pay.

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