
What do you think of this: a girl at my sister's work lied to her current partner about being pregnant and

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asked him for 500 bucks to get an abortion. He gave it to her and asked if she needed him to go. Of course she said no (since she was lying) and went off to waste the money on who knows what. Now this guy will have to go on living his life thinking she aborted his child.





    wait...hold does that work out...what if he wanted to keep the baby lol...wouldnt they have a big discussion about it...hmmm

  2. My ex-wife did something similiar to me.  The poor guy-in the future she will probably bring up that she "had an abortion" to get him feeling guilty.  Then while he is feeling guilty, she might hit him up for more money.

  3. Tell him. I hate it when people get away with stuff like this.

  4. That is terrible! This woman gives us, the honest ones out there a bad name! Shame on her!

  5. Um, maybe you should tell the guy the truth. I mean, what she did was wrong. He seriously needs to dump the girl if he didn't do it already.

  6. Pretty sure I heard about something like this on an episode of Scrubs.

  7. And he'll never know that his girlfriend is a w***e . . . until somebody tells him.

  8. can somebody please tell the guy whats been happening so he can make a police report? $500 is not much, but she will be cheating every body that she 'falls' in love with...

  9. That's not all that original of a scam. The solution is simple ,the check is written to the doctor ,rather than her.

    Or just as simple, she can put it on her credit card, when the statement comes ,a check is written.

    She's a slime for her part, but he's a sucker for falling for it.

    Please pass this address  along to him.

    3-8 pm pacific time M-F

  10. That's really ridiculous if you have to lie about being pregnant to get  money from your man, not only that she is having s*x with him and it's a possibility that she might get pregnant and she is basically telling him she doesn't want his baby. Now he has to go through life knowing that he gave her money for and abortion of his baby that never occurred because she was never pregnant. I hope that he doesn't hurt from this lie.

    She should be ashamed of herself!!!

    She better hope no one on the job slips him a note letting him know what she did well she out there telling everyone and laughing about. JUST CRAZY!!! HOPE SHE FEELS GOOD ABOUT HERSELF!

  11. Tell the guy.Woman like her do not deserve to have secrets like this kept away.$500!She could be charged.I think you better tell her to apologize before things blew up.Huge! ^u^

  12. Why dont you inform the dude of his error?

    I'd be a little pissed if she jacked 500 from me, i'd ask her to get a pregnancy test, with me present.

  13. I think this woman has defrauded the man in question.

    And I think she's pretty stupid to be telling people at her workplace unless she wants to be found out, not everyone is a thief like she apparently is and someone is sure to tell him, if they know him.

    He would be perfectly entitled to press charges against her for fraud.

    Best wishes :-)

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