
What do you think of this advert/ ?

by Guest59872  |  earlier

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do you think too early for doing this or is this acceptable?




  1. harsh. he is so young that riding him so much like an older horse could damage his bone structure because his bones are still developing i break would (if i could) break in at 3 and do flatwork with at 4 then start proper jumping and heavier flatwork at 5 she has gone to far to fast and no doubt this will cause problems because he isnt ready for working to that extent his physical structure isnt ready because its still maturing and his brain is still a baby i am surprised he isnt completely freaked out. also working a horse on an outline so young isnt acceptable in my opinion because the horse works so hard on an outline that its tough for even an older horse thats had more experienced poor little horse and it says it all when you say a summer project becuase she obviously just did everything asap not taking it into account how its fair on the animal to break it in. she may be an advanced dressage rider but she has no clue how its acceptable to break in a horse and he must of been sat on when he was at least 1 because any later than that and she would of had to use something to starp his head etc. because its makes them lean quicker someone should buy him and reschool him that can actually break in a horse without half killing it.

  2. Here in Germany warmbloods are brought in from living in herds with virtually no previous handling(sadly) and are"broken in" (yes I mean just that) in the winter prior to just becoming officially three (so they are actually 2 and a half!!) and a chased over jumps without a rider from yearlings. It's all a matter of money.To feed a youngster another year eats away at the profits.Terrible!!

    I think the horse in the advert is well muscled and as long as the rider doesn't overdo it gymnastic exercises on the flat and hopping over a few poles is ok. BUT X country is far too much for a baby. AND in the last picture  the poor horse is completely over-bent and if continuously ridden in this shape will lead to irreversible back and spinal damage. Not a picture I would personally use in an ad.

  3. its a good advert but a bit informal in places all this "rides like he is ten" and calling him "sane" and the repetition of the word "sweet" and finally the hacking out "will go first or last" makes it just not flow properly!!!  but the horse is good looking and obviously mature and getting on well in training for his age. altho perhaps whoever buys him might think of turning him away for a few weeks to give him some more time to grow.  just a thought. the only thing i really didn't like was the video - he's dropping behind the bit and over bending a touch and at times not tracking up - but really for a 3 year old  who looks so good these things would iron out easily enough!!!

  4. I was also thinking about the rider!  She was on the wrong diagonal, not much contact on the leg front and her legs were too far forward.  The horse looked a bit pottery and that jump was novicey.  He is a bit over bent for such a youngster - I think he is older - or he was broken way too early.  He does look a nice chap though.  You could do worse than to buy him, turn him away for a bit longer and start again.

  5. To be honest my personal belief is that yes, I think he is too young, as I have been told their back is not properly formed till 4.

    However I have seen a lot worse... I have witnessed a novice riding a horse from 1 year old And the horse was also underweight (extremely) You could see every bone in its body. Which I believe resulted in his stifle coming out of the joint. However the girl didn't realise she was doing anything wrong as she had no equine knowlage.

  6. I think it's fine :) If I lived in England, I would seriously consider buying that horse. He's gorgeous! x

  7. Personally I think its a bit much to be doing at 3 but if they can throw 2yr olds round a race track then you can see how people can think its ok.

    Theres plenty of research going on at the moment into the effects of starting horses working before 4, mainly in racehorses but I'm sure it'l apply to dressage horses too!

    I wonder if in a few years time that horse'll have a back injury??

  8. No not at all, that horse looks like it'll make a excellent prospect. If I lived in England, I'd seriously considering buying that horse

  9. yes it's perfectly normal, 3 years olds can to do light work provided that they also get a rest period to fill out and grow.

  10. That's perfectly normal. Plenty of three year olds do that.

    Just because she says she is an advanced dressage rider doesn't mean she is doing advanced dressage on that particular horse.

  11. my only concern is that they say they are doing XC with this 3YO. 3 years old is too young to be doing cross country. If they have been lightly riding the horse, go for it, but if they have been doing cross country I would ask them how long they have been doing it. If not long, consider it.  

  12. He's certainly a good-looking horse and sounds well schooled, but I personally think that because he's so young he isn't a novice's horse.

    I kinda think it is a bit early for the horse to start doing the serious work (as described) because his back hasn't properly formed and he has not really had time to mature. But mind you, there are many racehorses competing as two-year-olds so we really shouldn't complain ;)

  13. your horse is lovely!!! if i had the money id buy him

    but i have a lively one at home lol

    good luck

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