
What do you think of this argument against feminism?

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"Women's Liberation? Not for me. I'd have to step down from my pedestal." - found on the Christian Domestic Discipline website





  1. Imagine a man willing to work his a** off all day and all of his money goes into feeding, housing and romancing one woman he choose out of any other he could have had.  

    Why does she deserve this? Because she's a woman and he loves her womanhood and the person behind it.  He LOVES her. He's not doing it just because she's a woman, no man wants to support a woman.

    So some women want men, their partners, to ignore the fact that they are women, that's fine but I guarantee these women will be unhappy. Men who ignore the fact that a woman is a woman will not relate to the woman with the sensitivity, the compassion or the care that it takes to make her feel loved. She will end up feeling degraded, unappreciated and generally unhappy with this man for not meeting her needs as a woman.

    Also, I think many feminists become feminists because they feel as though their femininity is in some way bad

  2. People who say things like that should stay on their pedestal and leave real life to the rest of us.

  3. That's a lofty statement!  She prefers being a "Kept woman" and sounds like she needs to be worshipped as a false goddess....  Christianity has nothing to do with it. In fact it demands equality, because there is no male or female preferences with God..He is no respecter of Person Leviticus 19:15, Acts 10:34.

    If she chooses to stay home and care for her kids that is one thing and is commendable.  If she feels she can be a professional, bring home the bacon and be all that and a bag of Chips, then so Be it... Al lChristian women need to Read Proverbs 31...Sister had it going on and Solomon Honored his own mother for working Both in and out of the Home

  4. I've no interest in being on a pedestal at all.  I suffer from vertigo.

  5. Was this said by a feminist?

    I thought domestic disclipline was a fetish... or is it only a fetish when men want it and oppression if women want it?

  6. I suppose if someone else makes all the money to take care of you, makes all the major decisions for you, and tells you what to do, you would have to feel pretty important. Just my two cents.

    Domestic Discipline: BDSM for Christians.

  7. She is crazy like most bible beaters. I found this entry amusing from the website:  He has the authority to spank his wife for punishment. It is almost as funny as this:

  8. No clearly elaborated "argument"  against the movement of post-modern feminism has been supplied by the author's "question" thus I cannot offer a reasonable response that is consistent with Y!A Community Guidelines and/or TOS..

    *Any spelling and or syntactical and/or usage/stylistic errors are the consequence of human error and are not intended to result in offense to community members.  They do not necessarily reflect underlying misogyny, rather they represent human fallability.

    Thank you for your understanding.

  9. there's a bunch of them from the conversvative or christian guys.  

    i found one the other day from a guy in the patriarch movement. apparently, bossing around his wife was not as much fun as bossing around the whole family.

    patriarchy, like the misogynist fathers righters (not positive parenting groups - big difference) want a return to their privileged life styles - being authoritative, hitting their wives, getting served.....

    quite sickening.

    NOPE, I dont find it funny. Sexism is not funny at all. There are a million other things in the world to laugh at....the ignorance of humans is not one of's simply the humor of the narrow-minded.

    And, actually, re-reading this, it could be from a woman. Many of the conservative women think they're put on a pedestal by men. If that were true, you wouldnt have had a feminist movement. While some men might do that, in general, women were faced with more problems than benefits.

    LOL - this is a spanking web site for christians!!!!


    In CDD, the husband has authority to spank the wife.

    The wife does not have authority to spank her husband.


    WEll that is funny in an archaic, cave man humor sense!!!!

  10. I don't think it is an argument against feminism; it sounds like he's just stating his personal preference about the women in his own life. He likes to be in control in his marriage, and there's nothing wrong with that.

    If he was talking about women's liberation in general though... well, it's a ridiculous argument. He shouldn't need to take freedom away from other people to feel empowered.

  11. Girls, you have to stop taking things like this and the likes of d masterson seriously.

    is no sense of irony a prerequisite for feminists?.

    dd is something that couples do together, and quite frankly, thats what most of you gals request these days and i don't see what the problem is with a little adjustment here and there.

    EDIT, ive just seen your additions, yes, normal women are more important than feminists.

    Normal women and children first, then men then feminists.

    :  )

  12. Why not get the best of both worlds?  Equal treatment AND a spot on the pedestal

  13. Purely tongue in cheek.  Amusing.

  14. i see no argument; but a personal opinion..

  15. Self proclaimed conservative Evangelical Christians are the group who is most likely to divorce in the US, so I guess the pedestal wasn't set high enough.

    Anyway, I think attitudes like that, one of entitlement, are why there are some women out there who believe all they have to do is find a man to take care of them, get pregnant, and never have to take on any real adult responsibilities like pulling your own weight. I heard that those 17  high schoolers from Massachusetts who got pregnant said they wanted to have kids so they "don't have to get real jobs." It is an entirely different story if a woman has obtained some sort of education, has held a job and supported herself for a while, and then later decides mutually with her partner that she will stay home. That is perfectly respectable, but I don't think women with the attitude your quote displayed want any part of that.

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