
What do you think of this article on abortion's link to higher mortality rate then taking pregnancy to term

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It doesn't prove a link between the medical procedure of "abortion" and a higher dealth rate, but suggests that people who live a lifestyle condusive of getting abortions are more likely to die within two years of giving birth then those who take pregnancy to term. In my opinion this article fails to really say or prove much

What do you think about it?




  1. Common sense states that those who do have abortions live in a high risk lifestlye. But if you took out abortion equation, and followed the same women, you would get the same results.  

  2. It's actually just the opposite. Pregnancy and childbirth are greater risk to a woman's life than abortion.

    Your source is an anti-abortion group.  

  3. I'm not at all surprised.  But no one will ever admit that anyone

    suffers ill effects from having a "safe abortion."

    There really is no such thing.


  4. I think that it doesn't matter what the statistics are suppose to say - they can be manipulated to say whatever someone wants.

  5. Are you really surprised that the women who are willing to kill their unborn children are involved in a risky and unsafe lifestyle? It makes perfect sense to me! My lord, if she were a responsible woman she wouldn't be having an abortion. If she is irresponsible in this way, it only makes sense that she would be irresponsible in her other choices, doesn't it?

  6. I suppose if what you say is true"people who live a lifestyle conducive to getting abortions are more likely to die within two years of giving birth."

    They would be wise to get abortions rather than give birth.

  7. Oh please - consider the source - they are anti abortion activists.  They are trying to link two things that do not relate to each other.   Do they ask each corpse -did you have an abortion in the past 2 years?  

    Most women who have abortions don't list it on their main medical record.  And medical records are still supposed to be private.    

  8. So very flawed which is why it was immediately discredited.  Any study can be skewed to show anything.

    The population studied was on medicaid.  Immediately you see they are studying a small pond of women in a lower socioeconomic class.  Poverty leads to increased death-rate.  If you read on, they point out waaaayyyy down at the bottom that the women who died often died from aids, murder, abuse, suicide, etc.  The abortion therefore has little to do with the situation.  (Unless they are claiming that abortion now causes aids, murder, abuse and suicide!)  

    A woman has aids, becomes pregnant and decides to abort - possibly because she is simply not healthy enough to go full-term.  Her subsequent death is from aids and not from the abortion.  The flip side is a woman who delivers, probably does not have aids, etc.  So her subsequent living is the result of an absence of aids, not having a child.

    A similar study could be done in africa where access to abortion is extremely limited but the death rate is high to claim that pregnancy causes death.

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