
What do you think of this as an alternative transportation?

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Why don't we try to bring back horse-back riding in denser city areas? There would be no emissions, no trouble with speeding, and it would probably cost less overall. The main thing that law enforcement would have to watch is for negligent owners. I was just thinking the other day when I saw the horse cops riding by me how it makes sense to just ride horses if you live somewhere like a city where things are generally close together.

What do you think?




  1. Cars were seen as the cure to pollution (horse shat) and the high price of caring for and owning a horse when they first came out.

  2. It's quite an idea but you have to take in mind the practical efficiency that people are looking for. Most people will not immediately care about what's generally good for the long term but what's good for themselves. I mean for example, there are now cars that run on water rather than polluting gas but most people would still go for the typical gas cars. And besides, why not use bikes rather than horses. It is much more cost efficient and can provide us both with transportation and exercise.Ü

  3. It would be a good idea for running an errand, but if you buy anything you need a place to carry it.  

    If you rode to work I don't think you would want to leave your horse in the sun for 8-9 hours while you work.

    It would be good if a limited number of hard core people used horse transportation.  The average person wouldn't take care of their horse and wouldn't clean up after it.

  4. The thought of riding horses instead of driving cars is not very well thought out my friend. When the horseless carriage started to become the prevalent form of transportation it was hailed as the cure to a huge pollution problem. Horse manure and the ensuing flies were not even the worst part of the problem. When a horse died the owner just unhooked it and left it in the road. After all how do you move a dead horse? The city eventually cleared the road, but think of the health problems associated with a dead horse in the road for a few days with the already persistent horse fly infestation.

    Horses are too slow for today's standards and we are not a civilization that does well with going backwards. The other thing to remember is that lately only the wealthy have horses. It is expensive to own a horse. A lot of the expense is medical. If a car is not running well you can park it. If a horse is not well you have to call the veterinarian, no choice there. The cost is unavoidable. The cost would far exceed the cost of owning a car.

    If you wanted to go visit aunt Martha in the next state it would take a month out of your life and business/school schedule.

    A quick trip to Las Vegas for a weekend of fun and games would be out of the question. Even if you lived in Las Vegas.

    We are a society that moves fast and it is that speed that enables us to feed the millions of people on the planet, have commerce with distant countries in different hemispheres.

    Horses will never get the job done.

  5. No emissions??? If large numbers of people took up your plan there would be a serious problem with emissions... the streets would be a mess!

  6. bad idea.

    manure and fly ssues (which means health issues).

    feed, storage, vets. yada yada.

    the reason we don't ride horses is because the old timers seen that cars were a better deal.

  7. I think you're Perry old fashion or anti technology.But I like your hear way that is.

  8. The only problem isn't negligence what about the clean up what if one decides to kick you do realize a horses kick can kill

    also what would all the women do when their time of the month comes? most horses get really aggressive towards them just ask my neighbors 13 yr old daughter.

    she came in for her first time now because of her horse shes missing almost half her face. You have to think these things through first not degrading you you at least thought to ask first most people just act then find out. Yes it would have a lot of good aspects but the bad ones could be fatal.

  9. In order to ride a horse, one must be fit and the horse must be reliable as a machine. Never forget the shitting problem of horses. There are so few living with the luxury of living close to work place, amount them they are not necessary fit enough to ride a horse on daily bases. Furthermore if those horses owners want to travel 50km, they need a car for the distant while it is not economica to pay for a car and a horse.

    Let say one drives a car 2 hours a everyday to work, that person is not always the fit one who can ride 2 hours a day. Also horses are slower, what makse 2hrs longer with horse as a vehicle. Plus horses are not suitable vehicles in bad weathers, as it lacks cover and air condition.  

    It isnt that practical/....... my peaceful lady friend

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