
What do you think of this attempt at a psalm?

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How long must I gather the arm of him that stumbles on a stone?

How must I run with him who has no shoes?

And how shall my course be finished when I run with those who will never finish?

Lord, you have saved me from the clutches of the jailer,

Save me now from the clutches of the jailed.




  1. It sucks and God thinks so to. That's why it isn't in the bible.

  2. long ...must we try to save those who are lost and who stumble..continuously....How much more can we run and endure with those who choose to have no shoes! How dear friend can we endure our losses and make sacrifices as we carry our brother/sister in the Lord?  

    We must spiritually find the answer to how our course will be finished with those who will never finish with us to complete this race....but run we must...either those we love will choose to become the pillar of salt or run the race ...for God has required this of us, to help those who drain go the extra give our coat as well as our matter the personal cost to us, it is not about us...but then agian how far do we go for those who will reject all we loose our souls for them... Is it required of us to loose our souls to those who won't run the race for God ... for the mysteries of the one on high are not essentially revealed at this us individually...we must persevere...and again persevere.  And question the higher will?  What does he want of us...we need to find that answer , my friend...for God does not want us to loose him in this process!  

    Amen. lets us Oh Lord be saved from the principalities  that would keep us tied to the jailers of our souls!  Set us free!  

    This attempt is also my song!  Praise the Lord ...we connect in this understanding!

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