
What do you think of this baby girl name?

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I've always said that if i were to have a girl i would name her this. I just absolutely adore it. please don't say anything that will ruin my thoughts toward this name. if you don't like it please say so but in a nice way. thank you!




  1. I think I like the name Arianna/Ariana better. I don't really care for Auriana, but it isn't a terrible name. She won't be scarred for life with it so if you like it then use it.

    BTW - if you didn't want honest opinions, or people to disagree why are you asking for opinions?

  2. It's unique, I like it

  3. i like it. its unique and pretty.

  4. I think it's a beautiful name It reminds me of something magical like the Aroura Borialis

  5. its alright but it is not the best of names i  like more of nicole ashley


  6. If you like it then go for it!!. Congratulations!!!!

  7. I like it but Arianna is nicer.

  8. I don't like it, but I don't know why you'd care what I or anyone else on here thinks. Your baby, your choice. Go with what you like.

  9. The name is cute. Maybe Aubrianna...  

  10. I like it, but i like it spelled the other way better. Arianna.

    Do you mean it to be kind of like aurora?  That's pretty too, so i guess i like it. :)

  11. Its Beautiful Go for it. I had the very same no's and yuks when i named my daughter Kayla

  12. I love it. It is perfectly alright to make up a new name. How do you think our names came to be? Someone made them up. The first three letters

    'Aur' denote an aura or glowing about the person. This is beautiful. I wouldn't name her anything else for the world.

    Best wishes for a happy,healthy baby.

  13. It sounds very pretty.  It's sort of like a cross between Aurora and Arianna.  The frilly "-iana" names seem to be in style right now -- I hear of lots of little Arianna's, Adriana's, Liliana's, Julianna's, Eliana's -- even Aubrianna's and Audrianna's.  They are definitely feminine, though some people find them a bit much.

    There's actually a Spanish/Italian name Oriana, which I believe would be pronounced just the way you intend Auriana to be pronounced.  It means "gold."

    I generally don't go for made-up or combination names, so I'd choose Oriana over Auriana (especially since you'd get the lovely meaning thrown in).  Oriana seems more of an uncommon classic than a trendy adaptation.  However, Auriana is not awful; it just seems a bit less substantial.  Considering the trend, though, I'm sure most people would find it very cute.

  14. I would change the spelling. You have to think of her future, and how her name will be pronounced when someone calls her over the intercom, or a teacher is new.  

  15. It's a really cute name but I prefer the spelling Arianna.

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