
What do you think of this behavior?

by  |  earlier

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My husband (33) will, once a week, go out with his friends. He usually just sits around at someones house drinking, but he stays out until 4am often- never home before 2. We have a baby and a 4 yr old and I stay at home.

This is the interesting thing. His father did the exact same thing up until he was around 40! Don't you think that's weird? My boys aren't going to grow up and do the same thing are they?




  1. If that's really all he's doing, I don't see a problem with it. If he's a good father and husband, he deserves time with his buddies just to unwind and relax, you know?

    On the other hand, If he's neglecting you, then you and your children should be his first priority.

    I'm taking a psychology class, and we've been discussing whether children inherit habits and personality from their parents. It's possible they could inherit something like that, but it probably also depends on what they're taught in the home, and if they see their father occasionally staying out til the wee hours of the morning with friends, then they might follow suit later in life.

  2. This is normal, i advise you let it be or you will cause feelings of resentment and will be divorced i less than 5 years

  3. Some men don't handle all their responsibilities very well until they are 40...they resent the things that tie them down even though they had a hand in creating the ties.  These evenings help him to let go of the resentment...a very important thing.

    As long as he isn't disruptive, dangerous or unfaithful, I'd suggest you let it be and just know that he will grow up eventually.

    If you are feeling resentful yourself, pick a different night to go and hang out with your work hard and you need some time to unwind as well.

    Occasionally, it might be fun to get a babysitter and go out together.

    Good luck to you.

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