
What do you think of this bit of a poem by Anne Sexton? How does it make you feel?

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Let me go down on your carpet,

your straw mattress -- whatever's at hand

because the child in me is dying, dying.




  1. Idk.. it makes me feel sad and depressed and sorry for her. It makes me wonder.. what she is thinking about.

  2. It makes me feel sympathetic towards the poet and portrays her deep despair.

  3. I never thought that what *sounds* like it could be a demand, a plea, really, for s*x as a life-affirming act, could be such a downer.

    Just shoot me.

    I'd heard that Sexton was depressing.  I guess they were right.

  4. Death of a child, birth of a woman.

    A strong, passionate woman, consumed with fire of desire.

    Makes me feel aroused.

  5. I'm a fan of Anne Sexton, very good poet.

    I think she feels that she is loosing everything that humans cannot afford to loose.  Imagination.  Being able to laugh at the silliest things.  The feeling you get when, no matter how tall you are, you reach for something, even though you can't reach it, you know that one day you will be able to grab onto it with a smile.  

    It's very moving, to say the least.

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