
What do you think of this boy name?

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What do you think of this name for my baby boy. Baqer.




  1. No sorry I dont like it

    nor can I pronounce it


  2. I don't even know how to pronounce that. Choose a name people can say. Imagine his teacher calling roll on the first day of school  ...

  3. How do you even pronounce that?   Like Backer? Baker?  It could be cute if I knew how to say it...

  4. i don't know how to pronounce it.

  5. i don't care for that as a first name but it would be a cute middle name

    you could try Jackson Baquer Gavin Baquer

    or more names but if you really like the name baquer go for it

  6. if you are going for a unique name then yes.  

  7. it diffrent and its sorta of hard to pronouce.

  8. It's nice that you want something unique. That name though is not only hard to pronounce but it's not very appealing.

  9. I don't know how to pronounce it! Sorry! But if your going for different and unique that right there is it! But ultimately it's your decision on what you name your child! Good luck and congrats!

  10. It's different! do u pronouce it?? "Back-er"??...

  11. dont like it. he will be teased all his life.

  12. Would it be like baker?? If so I dont really like it.

  13. I dont' know how to pronounce it.  

  14. No one will know how to pronounce it

  15. Don't torture your child. He'll have to live with that name for his whole entire life and in school kids will probably make fun of him.

  16. Seems arabic, b/c of the q

    Is it pronounced Backer or Baker?

    I wouldn't name my son that, but thats me.

    EDIT: "BA like the cheap"?  I'm not sure what you mean...

  17. I think its very weird

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