
What do you think of this combo of sun, moon, and ascendant?

by Guest44700  |  earlier

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erica: what don't you understand? i am asking what one would expect of someone with this combination.




  1. Traditional

    Scorpio Traits

    Determined and forceful

    Emotional and intuitive

    Powerful and passionate

    Exciting and magnetic

    On the dark side....

    Jealous and resentful

    Compulsive and obsessive

    Secretive and obstinate

    The Moon represents the emotional self, the inner self, your instincts, habits, automatic reactions and your sense of personal heritage and history. Most people feel their Moon Sign energy very strongly -- some even to the point of identifying with their Moon Sign (once they know what it is) more than with their Sun Sign.

    With Sagittarius havng Moon in your natal chart you absolutely love the great outdoors. You love the feeling of freedom that it gives you. People see you as a person who is active, fond of travel and sports, and quite jovial. However, when you are not outside you may appear to be restless, both physically and mentally. You tend to act first, and think later.

    You say whatever is on your mind, simply and bluntly. You are not suited for diplomatic relations. As far as your occupation is concerned, you may be apt to changing it, or have more than one vocation. Overall you are good-natured, kind, and honest. You are very perceptive of others emotions.

    You may have a short temper, but you are quick to forgive, and you never hold a grudge. You are a good teacher because of your perspective on life. You can see the possible outcome of events long before they occur. Your intuition is strong, and often your dreams come true. This might indicate a psychic influence. You can't stay in one place for too long.

    When your ascendant is in Pisces, you have a soft heart and a sympathetic disposition.  The ascendant of your sign is usually the mask you wear to the public, it is how the person express their outward personality. The ascendant is also referred to as your rising sign, it could be said that all of  your chart is run through your ascendant. There is one other interesting point, if when you have an astrology reading and your sun sign just doesn’t describe you, then you are probably ruled by your ascendant.

    As ascendant in Pisces you can easily play the martyr role in life, and sometimes have a difficult time defining where you end and others begin, you can also take on other peoples feelings.  This is where you ascendant crystal comes to rescue, Amethyst helps balance out these tendencies and protects you from other people taking advantage of you and your volubility.

    Amethyst also keeps you focused, which gives you the feeling of being in control of your feelings and then this in turn increases your confidence.  Another issue that plagues the ascendant in Pisces is they lean towards doing everything in excess; which can also be controlled with Amethyst, you do need to wear it and/or have it on your person all the time.

    Other interesting properties of Amethyst are that they magnify the energies of other crystals; it assists in negotiating, decision making, abundance, public speaking and business success. The healing properties of Amethyst are arthritis (as an elixir); cancer, blood cleansing, detoxing, bones, heart and liver

    This is a very valid feeling, in fact, for the Moon represents who a person is on the inside ... and this is where most people feel they are most strongly their real selves. Because the Moon changes signs about every two and a half days, there is no way to know for sure what your Moon sign is without having your horoscope chart done.

    Sagittarius is a fire sign. Fire signs are considered masculine, positive, assertive, active, outgoing, and motivating. They do things, stir things up, take action, go after what they want, make things happen. In addition to Aries, the other two fire signs are Leo and Sagittarius.

    Sagittarius is also a Mutable Sign. The Mutable Signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces These personalities all deal directly with the application of ideas and information. These people are known for being flexible, easygoing, adaptable, and willing to "adjust" as their way of working with the world.

  2. Having both the Sun and Ascendant in water signs would indicate an emphasis on intuition, inner emotional issues and sympathetic bonding with other people. The Scorpio Sun can be powerful in either the 8th or 9th houses and relate to management and authority or a possible connection with promotion or publishing/advertising. Of course, Pisces can bring great imagination and vision into the way you present yourself. Be careful that people don't get the wrong impression. Working with feedback is always important for the water signs.

    You were born under a new or crescent moon, both of which emphasize being a self-starter. You're someone who needs to dive into experience without getting too hung up on assumptions or expectations. Your Sagittarius Moon is where the fire is, spurring you on to take risks and look at the vision you have for the future. You may need to consciously pull away from a more traditional path and take a chance on what feels right for you, not what you were taught to do. Much of your success will depend on how you use your intuition. If you go off unprepared, you could be in trouble. If you take the time to reflect on your ambitions and give your intentions more substance, you will have a better chance at success.

  3. scorpio sun is aggressive

    saggittarius moon is an outgoing nature

    pisces ascendant is dreamy

  4. wtf?

  5. unreliable cronfuse though s**y wheneve

  6. Scorpio sun:  strong-willed and determined to have his or her way

    Sagittarius Moon:  outgoing, lively, athletic, a champion of the underdog, likes fighting for a cause, independent, interested in religion

    Pisces Ascendant:  dreamy, compassionate, easily hurt, romantic

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