
What do you think of this conversation about feminists vs. MRAs?

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This came from a comic strip and wasn't intended as a comparison between feminists and MRAs; nonetheless, I think it works.

ANDREA: Throughout history, women have been suppressed, repressed, and oppressed, Irving. We've had miserable jobs, hideous pay, humiliating benefits, and not a single shred of respect as equal human beings. What possible injustices have men suffered that even come close?

IRVING: We never learned to cry.

ANDREA: You never had anything to cry about!





  1. Did you ever visit Arlington National Cemetery? 160,000 graves. All men, but nothing to cry about !

  2. MRA's usually aren't interested in what injustices men have suffered throughout history. Most of them concentrate on what injustices they perceive in the present. While some men complain about issues that really aren't that big of a deal, others make some good points and are striving for equality between the genders. To state that men today face no injustices at all due to their gender is rather rude and inaccurate. I also don't think that an egalitarian feminist would be opposed to an egalitarian MRA, as they are essentially fighting for the same team, just on different fronts.

  3. LOL. People shouldn't take this seriously, it's a comic strip! If a man finds this offensive, then he is a very sensitive boy with no thick skin.

  4. Hi Rio

    this strip typifies the faux victim hood, dishonesty and deinalism that feminism thrives on.

    hope you are well ; )

  5. Oppression of women is a myth, please get an education or at least join a book club or go to a library and read books on history. You might actually realize that what feminists have been saying for 4 decades is nothing but nonsense.

  6. I think the feminist part is very accurate.  Feminist often overblow and over-exaggerate the so call "oppression" of women through out history and use it as a propaganda to fool people into thinking that women had it worse and are the only victim of discrimination.  

    Despite their claim of "equality for the sexes" - in reality feminist focus solely on women's issue.


  7. You are talking about a magnetic resonance angiogram  (MRA), right?

    *Ah.  Interesting.  The only self-professed MRA's I have ever encountered were on this forum, and on cranky websites.  May I stress the use of the word "self-professed".

    I think that blind adherence to gender role stereotypes has done a disservice to both genders.  Men have been screwed over too: which gender is it that is far more likely to shoot up a college campus or shopping mall? The straightjacket of gender-role stereotypes has done this to them.

  8. Yes, it's true we have suffered many injustices.  But most of the men who are answering for it right now were not the ones who committed them.

  9. I think it is ignoring history a little bit. Not every man had it made through out history. A majority of nations didn't let all men vote until the mid to late 19th century at the earliest. Within the next hundred years women had the right to vote. The only exception to the general practice was America.

    Not all men had easy or comfortable jobs. Not all men were treated equally. The only women that have the right to speak of injustices are the ones that aren't white and or Christian.

  10. I'd like to address the response by Irving.  Men are taught to suppress their emotions and it's unhealthy.  How many incidences of violence have occurred due to emotions being directed in the wrong place?

    MRA's are just reacting in the only way they know how - without emotion and sympathy towards women's rights because they don't know how.

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