
What do you think of this crop circle that has a message in it?

by Guest58515  |  earlier

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I've never seen one with a message..Have you?

IF these are from aliens...why don't we start putting a crop circle beside it with an answer...and open up the lines of communication with them? Has anyone suggested this or tried it yet?




  1. I would hope that if aliens send us a message via binary code it would say something more important than that they are against deceit. How about what frequency we should be tuning our radio telescopes to or what area in space to point them toward.

    If the first one (the replication of the Voyager message) was even understood you would think that they would changed it to include information about themselves using the same format as we did. That should have followed right after our message. It did not so one can easily conclude that someone knew the message and put it in a crop circle (the message was never top secret or anything).

    The binary code looked more complicated and then was wasted on messages of peace and honesty, unlikely.

    I agree we should reply perhaps with what frequencies we are scanning and areas of space we are examining and then set up cameras to catch whoever comes to reply.


  2. fake!

  3. Someone certainly put a lot of work into them.  To respond, as you suggest, would require having some idea of the meaning.  Does it not strike you as a bit odd that beings with the technology to span light years and find us are unable to decipher any of our languages?

  4. i think the very first crop circles discovered on earth were real. but artists and people interested, figured out how to make them and now no one can tell if they are man made or alien.

  5. Strange but how can we know for sure? Very interesting though.  However I really would like to believe in aliens so I'm easily convinced. X

  6. Crop circles have been thoroughly debunked. Why can't you except it.

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