
What do you think of this dream?

by  |  earlier

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I have tornado dreams a lot and have for some time. However, no one or anything ever gets hurt. So, I take it the tornado was bills or just whatever was going on in my life. However, the other night I had one and i had two tornado's in it. One was big and blew the end of the house but everyone was okay. We just was functioning as if everything was okay. Then later on in the same dream a thin tornado came through and we were at a different house and it came through the dining room or living room dividing everyone. We were okay but there was a hole in the wall the size of the tornado. And we just kept eating and doing our thing with part of the family in one room and the other in another room. I have been going through some personal things. I am married. I have 2 kids. And there are some issues in my marriage. And I'm involved with someone else due to these issues. Do you think the big one could signal a divorce or something to that nature? And what do you think the skinny one could be?




  1. Tornado dreams reflect past family instability or people that are prone to violent outbursts.  They frequently represent family members/relatives with drug, alcohol, mood disorders or violent tempers.

  2. I don't know how biblical you are, but have you ever heard the verse that says "What God has put together let no man cast asunder?"  When you got married, you got married based on the ways of this world.  Now you've met the one whom your spirit is calling you to: the one you're having an affair with, the one God put you with.

    In dreams, a house is usually your body.  In your dream, the tornado "blew the end of your house" meaning, it blew something on your body.  Obviously this is a reference to this "other person".

    I think in this time, people should follow their own truths and do what they feel is right.  If you think it's time to end your marriage, and you obviously feel attracted to this other person, then if you really want to take the step, go for it.  Everyone needs some drama in their lives to shake their senses.  Scattering your family in different directions through divorce might be just the thing they need to grow as humans.  Lots of people get lots of growth through traumatic experiences, so do everyone a favor and get a divorce.  Think of it as truly tough love, and always be there when your kids want to talk.


  3. i think they are representing the turmoil in your marriage. the two tornadoes represent your hubby and the other person. and the way you just keep going with the tornado holes in  your house, it seems to me, represent that on some level you feel that you are not addressing the situation the way you should.

  4. The whirlwind of life get out of control only if your tired. Tornado's are very strong. Watch out when the wind gets out of the gale and the duxt settles. Tornadoes also take little time to spin... then  they're gone. Go figure.

  5. Most definitely these were things to come. That big tornado is where the you know what will hit the fan. Everything hid will be revealed. (thin tornado) A house divided against itself  will not stand. Matt.  12:25 Pray like you have never prayed before.

    when you are in sin and you are(adultery) your whole family suffers. SUFFERS! Satan has come to steal, kill and destroy and that he has done to your family. Turn to God before it is to late.

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