
What do you think of this ebay alternative.

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I stumbled upon this new auction site. It says it is completely free to use. Has anyone here ever used them?




  1. The site looks good but I think the problem with any new auction site wanting to take off is you have to find someway and somehow to beat out ebay. They pretty much have the auction market cornered.

    I would suggest offering free listings until you get a good membership up then kind of start adding small fees, then the more users you get the larger you make your fees.

    Good luck with it.

  2. Yes, online sellers are looking for eBay alternatives to sell their junk. For those who don't know, eBay is sending a clear message to its sellers in pricing and feedback changes that it no longer wants to be in the "flea market" business. But it's ironic to note that eBay actually started by selling PEZ dispensers and then boomed as the world's mass "flea market."

    In answer of your question: doesn't have many listings and so they need help with their viral marketing efforts to survive. When judging auction Web sites, it's interesting to look at the Alexa Rankings and bidjunk ranks low in comparison to its competitors. It currently ranks just 9,407,972. Perhaps a more viable option is as they have 12 million listings.

    Looking for alternatives to eBay? Here's a list:

    The site also has a list of alternatives to PayPal:

    All the best to you from this MERMAIDMONKEY!

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