
What do you think of this exchange between the redneck and the game warden ?

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The redneck at a pond ,clearly posted"No Fishing" has a large ice chest full of fish swimming about as the game warden confronts him.

Redneck, "Evnin' Warden."

Warden, "You know there's no fishing here?"

Redneck,"Fishin' , I wasn't fishin' these here are my fish.Ya see ,I like to bring them here, dump them in the pond and let them go for a swim, then I call them back ,they jump back in the chest and I take them home to their tank."

Warden," I find that hard to believe, you'll have to prove it."

So the redneck happily dumps the chest full of fish into the pond and say "Swim ! fishes, Swim !"

Warden," O.K. , call your fish back "

Redneck ," What fish ?"

Who's smarter ?




  1. Are you trying to prove that rednecks are smart? Because if you are, this is a pretty lame attempt.

  2. ummmm...uhh...the fish

  3. Yessssss. Brownie points for middle-america.

  4. Good one!

    The same redneck and warden are out in a boat. The redneck lights a stick of dynamite and throws it in the water. A few seconds later, dead fish float up to the surface and the redneck scoops them into his net. The warden looks on and casually states that is illegal. Redneck lights another sticks, hands it to the warden and asks, Are you going to talk or fish?

  5. HA!

  6. Lol, that's funny.  All the evidence has swam away.

  7. That Kevin Federline guy is not as dumb as everybody thinks!

  8. I'll bet this is the cleanest joke you've ever told in your life.

  9. Ah ha ha ha ha ! The Redneck scores again !

  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA .... that is freakin funny.

  11. lol! nice. haha, gotta give it to the redneck, he knew what he was doing.

  12. I've heard that before and I think it's pretty funny.

  13. Looks like the redneck won.  Amusing!

  14. lol ill have to remember that one

  15. Redneck LOL

  16. Score one for team Redneck!!!!!

  17. ROFLMFAO!!!!!!

    Poo Poo:  Don't be such a grump.

  18. hey a smart redneck thats awesome,could you imagine the game warden trying to explain that one to his boss,they would lock him up

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