
What do you think of this fish selection, in a 50 gallon? PLEASE ANSWER IANAB!?

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• 4 Dwarf gouramis

• 2 Angelfish

• 4 Blue Rams

• 4 Peppered cory cats

• 4 Otos

• 6 Congo Tetra

• 6 Black skirt tetras

Are they compatible? What temperature should the tank be? First, is my tank BIG enough? What can I feed them? SUGGESTIONS???




  1. BB,

    Ian's a good guy to ask about these, but keep in mind, the way YA looks at these things, this is a private communication asked as a question, and you shouldn't post this on the board, but rather email him direct.

    If you want to know my input though, I don't see any issues with it, other then you could POSSIBLY get some aggression conflicts between the Gourami and Angels.  Outside of that, I think you picked a nice group.  You could just as easily increase your Cories and Oto's up to 6 or 8 if you liked.

  2. I agree with John, the Angels are the only thing that could cause you grief when they get bigger.

    Other than that the selection looks good for that size tank.

    A few more small fish should be possble, but get the tank running smoothly, then build up the numbers. After a tank has been running a few months it can support more fish than a newly setup and just cycled one.

    Feeding, get a variety of foods, some good quality flakes, sinking tablets for the bottom dwellers and some freeze dried or frozen worms. By alternating several foods you should be able to cover all the fishes diets.


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