
What do you think of this fun little poem I wrote?

by  |  earlier

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"First Day"

Starting at a new school

Trying hard to keep my cool

I'm walking down the hallway

And the kids all start to stare

I try not to notice

I pretend that I don't care

My belly's doing flip-flops

My head is in a whirl

I'm totally freaking out now

I hope that I don't hurl

I slowly approach my new classroom

And I briefly lean on the door

To keep myself from passing out

I can't take it anymore!

I place my bag upon my desk

As my hands shake with fear

I look at all the kids and say,

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Brown, and I'm your teacher for the year."

=D Comments appreciated on this fun twist of a poem




  1. I LOVE IT!!! and cool twist , you think its the student but its the

  2. wow! thats cool!

  3. That's Great I thought It Would Be A New Student! LOL.

  4. That is way to cute. You did a very good job!

  5. this is a great poem

    i really like it .

    This poem is telling a story that was going on in my life i had just moved to a new school last year and everybody was doing the same thing

  6. I am assuming where you started your

    new school it can be nervous but its normal

    The classroom is suppose to be safe

    along being with the teacher.

    The other students were just as nervous

    as you were

    because although it will take time

    you will eventually having to get acquainted

    but don't rush take your time.  

    (Pretending to be the teacher is one way to take the

    fear of the first day of class.

    I can't help but to wonder if the teacher saw this

    or did she sit at a desk) (hahaha)

  7. I would come up with something better than "hurl" it stuck out a lot to me

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