
What do you think of this girl???

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Ok so basically I was friends with this girl that goes to my school for about two years, and we were best friends. Our friendship started because I decided to get to know her because she was one of the new girls that came into our grade. She was also on my bus, and we had a few classes together.

So I ended up being good friends with her. Which at the time wasn’t a bad thing at all.

When I look back on our friendship, I remember the things that used to bug me about her. She always would say things like..."Do you like my new bag"-- just saying it like that seems like nothing, but she said it in a way to get people to compliment her, and she would always do it when ever she wore anything.

When I first met her she always use to say that she went shopping every single Friday. Lets be real, who really does that. That use to tell me that she really had no life. But she's an only child, so you can only really blame the parents-lol jk (kinda).

She would also make herself seem better than everyone else and would purposely put people down, but not to everyone just people she knew and spoke to.

She also would talk about people or her own friends behind their backs to me or her other friends. She would always say that they were "annoying" (famous quote of hers) which really means she is getting sick of them and is done with them and their friendship, and soon enough who ever she said was annoying, she wouldn’t speak to them at all and cut them out and that person basically hated her for being a *****. She even at one point said that I was annoying!-the nerve of her, and of course she said that behind my back to one of my closest friends who at the time she was closer with, but that changed because she then did the same to her and said she was annoying as well and told me about it and now my friend hates her, just like alot of people.

She has also lost alot of friends this way and all those girls are now my closest friends.

She always thinks that so many guys like her at once which was true at one point, but by far I have had more guys liking me then she will ever dream of. The thing about her and relationships is that she can’t keep any with anyone apparently. They never last that long. Especially with guys, at first she really likes the guy and then she’ll hook-up with him (kissing him-not s*x) then she’ll blow him off and then move on to another one.

She’s also had like 3 boy friends within one month. She just has a boyfriend just to say she has one and to be like… oh yeah, I’ve had many boyfriends that year. She wasn’t really that serious with any of them. She also makes sure she brakes up with the guy before he does. (I guess that’s what’s really important to her) And the boyfriend she has know, she’s been with for about 2 months which is a shocker, no one thought they would last that long. That is actually her longest relationship. But I found out yesterday that she has been cheating on her boyfriend and the boyfriend knows about it!!

She is also slowly turning into a s**t. Like the way she’s dressing, she defiantly wants to be seen as that sluty type of girl who looks like guys check out (like that happens lol).

She is also really materialistic, she brags that she has sooo many clothes but she has the same amount as anybody else. Shes also extremely high maintenance, like she always has to look better than people and be really tan and stuff like that.

She also thinks that she knows soo many people judging on how many friends she has on her facebook or aim—she doesn’t even know half or even talk to most of them.

One of the things that really pissed me off was the way she would speak to me on aim. She was a complete ***** to me, she was really rude. Like if I had some guy news and tell her about it she would be like “and why are you telling me this” I would just be like I thought we were friends, don’t friends tell each other this kind of stuff, but of course as soon as she says that line she would go and tell me some stupid story about her guy news.

She also would go on my aim (she knew my password) and start talking to guys I knew and talk with them all sluty according to one of my friends.

She also ending this relationship I had with this guy (we weren’t together…yet) because she “spoke to him for me”—the first time I let her do it because I wanted to talk to him but I couldn’t so I let her cuz we basically say the same stuff, but she said something like the sleepover I was at would have been better if you were there- like co-ed sleepovers—making it sound like I wanted to sleep with him. I was according to him “being too forward” and he can be pretty forward.

We are not really friends anymore because I confronted her about all this stuff that has really pissed me off about her and basically calling her a ***** (this was through aim) she didn’t take this as us having a fight but I basically ignored her for a while and she would always ask if I was mad at her (hmmm let me think about that one) and when I was confronting her about this she was like “I can’t believe your saying this to me” I would be like well you better believe it.

I think she thinks of me as a threat to her, because shes always speaking down to me about everything.

Now we’re like fake friends to each other.

I just want comments to this==this is really just me venting in a way




  1. Move on.   Who cares what she does.  She'll be a thirty something cocktail waitress with a couple of divorces under her belt and a bad smoking habit.  You'll (hopefully) move on and be better for it.  

  2. i've had a similar experience..venting does help....and youre right about everything about her

  3. Make sure you change your password.

    You're right, about everything, she obviously had(or has) very low self-esteem, and therefor tries to make herself better in every way she can.

    Frankly I'd just ignore her until her ego calms down a bit.

  4. Objective type of questions please. Because marks are two for each question and time is short.

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