
What do you think of this group of names?

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What do you think of this group of names for siblings? Do they sound and work good together?





And which two to go with the set of four?

Connolly and Isla?

Connolly and Gemma?

Connolly and Amaya?

Connolly and Vera?




  1. I love them.

    But I'm not so big on Lachlann.

    But I love Rose and Alice.

    I think they go with

    Connolly and Isla.

  2. Lachlann stands out when you put up with those other 3.  The other 3 are very "common American," (EDIT: not trendy, "good ol' American" names, like Bob, Dave, Steve but not bland ) for the lack or a better word.  Lachlann is less so and stands out more.  It's twice as long ...

    Out of your sets of 2, Connolly and Vera go together best.  There both kinda old, but still cute for a little baby (the other girl names are old; really trendy actually)

    EDIT:  You could go with Connor instead of Connolly.  It's more common in the US right now, but still a very Irish name; it could kinda "bridge the gap" so to say, between the exoticness of Lachlann and Americanness of Paul

  3. i personally dont think lachlann is the best choice

    and i prefer connolly and vera

  4. I like Paul, Rose, and Alice, nooott so keen on Lachlann, but it's okay:)  Do what YOU want, honey.  I love the Irish lol:)  Paul Connolly sounds nice, and Rose Amaya and Alice Gemma sound nice for the girls.  Good luck and congrats:)  Bye!  xxxxx

  5. I think they're great.  I prefer Lachlann as Lachlan, but it's not really a big deal, and it's a nice name spelled either way.

    I think Connolly & Isla and Connolly & Gemma both go well with the set of four.  Connolly is a nice name, and both Isla and Gemma are gorgeous.  Rose is lovely and underused as a first name. Lachlann goes great with Connolly and both Isla and Gemma.  Paul and Alice are the kind of names that go well with just about anything, and they're rather underused right now, as well.  I'd be thrilled to see any of these names on a kid today, and I think they're amazing as a sibset. :)

  6. I personally don't care for any of those names.  They also don't go together, but they aren't horrible together either.

    As for the other names I like Connoly and Gemma

  7. Lachlann doesn't sound like it goes with the other names.  I guess if you threw Connolly in there it would seem more like it fits.  I think Vera would fit best with the other girl names.

  8. I just can't bend my mind around Lachlann, sorry.Alice/Gemma/Vera also get cut from my list. I vote for Paul Connolly,Isla Rose,Alice Rose, and Amaya Rose.

  9. Lachlann looks mispelled and trendy. The old Irish form is "Lochlann" or "Lochlainn". I love it spelled Lachlan though, which is the current recognized use. Paul, Rose & Vera are also lovely, but Connolly is much more of a popular surname than a common Irish name and fits into the current surnames-as-first-names trend. I suggest you look into Conley instead, and I'm hoping this is for a male? Alice is blah and all I see is "Lice". Isla shows signs of heading into trendy zone and has an ugly sound that will be forever mispronounced. I just wouldn't do that to my child- too much hassle in an English-speaking country. It's also just like naming your kid "Island". Gemma is okay but seen as trashy by a few, as well as having a nasally sound. Amaya is too 'a' heavy both in look and sound, and reminds me of the gruesome Mayan tribe.

    In all, my favorites are Lachlan [Spelled this way], Rose and Paul.

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