
What do you think of this horse i want to lease him. I am 5"8 and 120 pounds?

by  |  earlier

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i've rideen for 5 years




  1. I like him, but take him for a few "test drives" before you commit to make sure you can handle him. I love his sweet eye, he looks like a doll baby :~)

  2. Cute! A litttle young?

  3. I'd test him to see the size. I have a tall friend (5'10") that has at 15.1 QH and went to go look at another 15.1 horse to buy, but it just depends on the build. On the second 15.1 horse, she looked out of proportion, but the first horse she looks great on! I like his look though, he's really cute. :)

  4. I think he will be great for you! Good Luck with him!

  5. He's a cute horse and he sounds like a great horse to buy, but my only concern is how tall you are. I am 5'8 as well, and I'm just about outgrown my 15.3 horse. You should in vest in a horse no less than 15.3

  6. Hello,

    I agree with You Have to be Kidding...  Try him out before you commit to any long term contract.

    WHAT a great way to make certain you two are going to get along.  And to have the option of snatching up the lease, or looking for another mount if you two don't connect.

    HE is gorgeous!  I think you should go and try him out!  Good luck, and HAPPY riding!

  7. Make sure he works for you, what you want and are looking for in a horse and how he listens and rides.

    If that all flows then yep! He looks awesome! (jealouss)

    Update us ; )

  8. i think hes perfect for you!!!!

  9. he's very cute, but I would be a bit concerned about his height. I guess it will depend on how you feel on him, if you feel comfortable, then it shouldn't be a problem. Its hard to tell in the pictures if hes going to be deep enough through his girth for your leg.

    Good luck!

  10. He's a nice looking horse and just the right size for your height.

  11. hes a nice little horse i like him.

    He may be a little small tho but if hes stocky it wont be a problem.

    im 5ft7 and look really lanky on my friends 15.1.

    i usually go for around 16hh.

    ride him a few times tho and if ur both comfortable theres no reason why you shoudnt get him. :)

    good luck


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