
What do you think of this hunting video?

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It's a totally primitive hunt in which the hunter actually runs down a Kudu in the Kalahari.

I think this captures the essense of hunting. Of course I couldn't last five minutes with this guy, but to actually see the way it must have been done thousands of years ago is incredible to me. I've heard that some Native American's ran down deer and other game too.




  1. While the accomplishment is great it does not warrant all the feel good celebrations

    This is an example of a people without the intellectual means to advance into the modern world, although from the clothing and shoes it is obvious that they have been exposed to it

    That's fine for them but not something worthy of emulation as a lifestyle by anyone with computer access

    These people can run animals all day because they don't have jobs, mortgages . car notes, or electric bills for their cable and AC

    If that is what you want then go for it

    As for running an animal into collapse from exhaustion and then piercing iy with a spear while it's totally helpless instead of the instant death from a bullet while lazily grazing

    That could only seem a preferable death to someone who has never done anything more exhausting than watch their cable TV in the AC

    The friggen animal is going to die and be eaten I have no obligation to make some tree hugger feel that the kill is justified by torturing the animal and myself for their amusement

  2. i think its the only way of hunting that we should do.  i think its unfair to attack an animal with a gun, bow...maybe...but if we were meant to eat meat, then we were meant to hunt naturally. i dont hunt because i think its mean, but if i could do this myself, i would hunt, and i would eat.

  3. That's real hunting!*

  4. thats what i call, a ture hard earned meal.

  5. It is a very simplistic method, but a very demanding physically, and the tracting portion you learn that over a lifetime.

    Some say we should still use methods like this, or use bows, or some other 'ancient' technology to give the animals a 'more level playing field'

    Here in MN, only 25% of deer hunters are successful.  And no, it isn't because deer hunters just go up to the cabin and drink and play cards. You can do that any time, but the gear and licenses cost a lot of money, you don't shell that out unless you are serious.

    Truth is, even with our best equipment, the animals still have a huge advantage simply because we can no longer hunt animals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Technology advanced, better methods of hunting evolved, and then mankind could spend time doing something other than hunting.  He had time for developing music, carving art, learning to heal with herbs, to build better homes and warmer cloths.  These items allowed the same group of people to live longer, live safer, and have more children.  Soon it wasn't just nice that they could spend less time hunting, soon it became a necessity, because they didn't have the time to learn all these other skills AND learn to track and hunt like the bushemen. There are only 24 hours in a day.  And technology advanced more and more, allowing people to spend less time gathering food and hunting, and more time learning other crafts, like weaving, to make cloth, and to to make the first sails for ships.  This has continued to today, where our hunters use extremely complicated tools to hunt, but then, these same hunters only spend maybe a month a year hunting, because our society needs these hunters to also be home caring for children, paying taxes, serving jury duty, teaching at schools, building homes, fixing cars, evaluating risk, repairing roads, studying contracts, playing music, creating paintings,  write just laws, help the less fortunate, perform plays, build breathtaking buildings, dance, sing, brew alcohol, get to know a woman as a person not just a baby-factory, choose a mate out of love, not survival necessity, care for our elderly, watch a sunset, catalog different kinds of birds, clutivate roses, and the thousands of other tasks that make our society so rich.

    Yes, we could go back to running down the animals through sheer stamina, but to do that, we'd never have the time to do anything BUT hunt animals in primitive methods, and we'd loose out on too much.

  6. That was a fantastic mini documentary on the ancient hunting technique. Thanks for sharing the link.

  7. I appreciate the respect and admiration the hunter had for the animal.

  8. I thought this was a very interesting video. It shows how much we have evolved from the original hunting meaning. We now use guns and bows to have a far bigger advantage than the animal in which we are hunting. I think what we have today takes the fraction of the effort and time it took long ago. I am not saying we should return to these ways but I think we can level the playing field slightly to actually give the animal a chance. Maybe switching to bow and arrow only because it sometimes is very difficult to kill with it. Not only will the animal have more of a chance of survival, humans would have more of a feeling of accomplishment because they put a lot of effort into catching the animal.

    Hope I helped!

    Jon :D

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