
What do you think of this idea? Elections question.?

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I know in Indianapolis, we had a very poor showing as far as people voting in the mayoral elections and I know a lot of people don't vote in the Presidential elections throughout the country. What if there was a rule that if you don't vote, you'll be asked to do jury duty. In other words, fulfill your civic responsibility one way or the other. Of course, if a person is old, decrepit or physically or mentally unable to do it, they'd be excempt.




  1. Even though I vote, you act as though people regard jury duty as some type of punishment.  I would love to do jury duty.  I realize people should care and vote, but that's why we love America, people have choices.

  2. If someone is too lazy or stupid to make an intelligent decision about who to vote for, do you really want them to be among the twelve people on a jury to decide your fate if you were on trial? No thanks. I believe we should have an educated, professional jury system. I have been through a criminal jury trial, and thank God I had an intelligent jury and excellent judge. Please, no stupid jurors that may not understand evidence or Judges instructions. There are many people wrongly sent to prison, while real criminals slip away.

  3. Sick but I like it. You go. Thinking outside the box. That's good. The down side of that is that you can't make them learn about the issues or study the candidates true view. Without true election reform that promotes a just dissemination of viewpoints and not just numbers at the polls, I'm afraid that there will be little difference in the results.

  4. I think election days should be national holidays, with tax incentives for businesses to give everyone the day off.  Make a big deal out of it with public discussion of events.  Schools should be opened up for neighborhood discussions, and festivals encouraged.   This is how elections should be held.

  5. The answer is the National Initiative.

    With this in place, all citizens will have legislative power as the fourth check of our system of checks and balances.

    If people decide not to vote for any issue, something will

    eventually affect them and next time they will vote.

    And voting percentages for all elections will certainly rise.

    This cannot be passed anytime soon unless Mike Gravel, democratic Presidential candidate is elected as President.

  6. Bad idea. Less than half of those eligible to vote are even registered to vote. Less than one in five eligible adults in this nation has ever read the Constitution. A majority can't even name their Member of Congress. I don't even want to see those people in a jury box. It would wreck the whole judicial system.

  7. Well I don't know if that's ever going to happen. If it does, then you can protest against it. Use the Bill of Rights to defend you. In America, you have your rights and there are going to be people fighting against your rights. You just have to persuade them tothink like you do.

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