
What do you think of this idea?

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I know this is going to sound a lot like my last question but this is starting to make sense to me. It is indeed a fact that the universe is constantly expanding at a faster rate. I really don't understand how some of you can say that time is not tangible, I really can't. Time does in fact slow down as you get a higher concentration of mass. The only difference is you don't notice it if you are inside the area affected by the time change, and a second would still feel like a second to you. If the universe is constantly becoming less dense as matter spreads out maybe this causes time to speed up, so infact maybe an expanding universe is an illusion to the fact that maybe a second isn't a second anymore but instead two seconds. And it wouldn't apply to anything directly here on earth because the earth has its own mass and it relatively stays constant. Maybe when the big bang happened time was almost infinite, with respect to the density of the big bang immediately after it happened. And maybe the speed of light is always constant, but in relationship to time in the area it is passing through. What is your thoughts?




  1. I think you have no idea what you are talking about.

  2. You asked this question before... maybe you just have to come up with your own answers... and post 'em

  3. hm.

    consider this angle of your idea.

    High density of mass creates high gravity, and high gravity slows time (relatively - when observed from the outside, say from an earth-like planet).

    As we look out into space further and further, say 1, 2, 3 million light years, we see light that is progressively older (having originated 1, 2, 3 million years ago etc). This light originated a long time ago, in our universe when it was denser, having not dispersed as much as it has by now, today.

    This means that the light is arriving at our eyes having traveled out of the strongest gravity well possible. This light would have experienced slower time, and might very well have been affected by it in such a way as to produce a red shift. We are looking at this old light as it burns in the presence of much higher gravity (density of mass) than where we stand. Relatively, it should look like it is moving slower, like time is moving slower...shifting to the red as though it were moving away from us.

    Before anyone says c is constant in all contexts, keep in mind that if there were a process by which light lost a fraction of its original energy, say it somehow converted into mass as it traveled these great distances through unusually strong gravity, might not that amount of mass constitute some of the dark matter that the universe "requires" to be possible? No, of course I don't know what that process is, but it seems plausible.

  4. Hello again Justask,

    Obviously, you read my response to "Tim", regarding Time Travel, etc.  If you have not, you may find it interesting!

    It is not hard to understand, if you have an open mind.

    OK, we have to understand circular reasoning.  If you have accepted time, than things like "Speed" and "Acceleration" and such seem to make sinse, yes?  Right!  Speed and Acceleration are functions of time.

    Your entire "mind set" is a "time oriented mind set" so that things like "rate of expansion" and such are OK, but dependent upon "Time".  This makes "Time" very convenient, yes?

    When we needed to explain those concepts (and such like) we needed a convenience to make the explanation(s) plausible.

    You use words like "Faster" and "A second feeling like a second", et. al.

    Of course, you have to "feel" time as you have accepted the concept of "Time".  However, not being a constant, "Time" can seem VERY LOOOONG when things are boring and VRYShrt when you are having fun, right?

    Time is only a convenience created by man for man.

    Do consider, however, that "Mass" and such are not functions of time.


    It became "Better" (q.v.) than saying "lets meet when the Sun's shadow, from that tree, is on that big rock over there".  Those not being able to watch the rock all day needed a better way to know when to meet, soooo, a "sun dial" was invented so we could "carry the tree and rock" with us all day . . . and then we had cloudy days. . . . and then . . . and then . . . you know the rest, right?

    My point being that your "tangibility" of time is a reality within your mind and not a physical property.

    Time being a creation of the human mind, is dependent upon the human mind to experience it.  This you are doing very well.  Would you agree?

    I know that this is difficult to "get ones mind around", especially "with so little time to ponder it".  :-)

  5. I'm really hung up on the time issue.

  6. It's an intriguing idea, but I doubt the mathematics support it. If they did, I would expect that scientists would know about it by now and I should have heard about it.

  7. It's all relative, which makes this subject irrelevant. Any answer to the question would be just as correct, or incorrect, as any other. Time is what keeps everything from happening at the same time, one second being one or two.

  8. well this is how i understood your question. your saying like, a very large peice of matter(like a planet much larger than earth) the slower time goes and a small peice of matter(like the size of earth) has faster time. well if thats the case, then i disagree with you. the larger peice of matter's speed is just slower because it needs more force to move it. it doesnt make time slower, just the speed of the peice of matter.

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