
What do you think of this idea ?

by Guest60553  |  earlier

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At my university, our glbt group does something called "Lavender Graduation". It's a graduation ceremony specifically for GLBT people, their spouses, friends, and other allies.

It's basically a graduation where a GLBT person can be free to be themselves, bring their partner, etc. I think it's a cool idea.

Well..anyway, I'm one of the members of the group that puts this this together. I was thinking of doing a song at the graduation ceremony and kind of a little slide show, and I came across this on you tube. I think it was really fitting for a GLBT graduation. Tell me what you think.




  1. I dont' support that idea.  That's just pushing us further out of society.  I'm g*y, but I can hear people now saying - they have their own parade, their own flag, their own "coming out day" and now their own graduations - wtf?  

    Graduation has nothing to do with being g*y anyway.  You sit, listen to ppl speak, walk across a stage and then you go home to be with family and friends that accept you for you.

    I'm sorry, but as a L*****n, I can't support this decision to push us further out of the loop.

  2. The video is nice enough, but a different ceremony seems a bit like segregation. Now a separate party is probably what you guys should be having. However, since you are already having a separate graduation the video is fine.

  3. I think it's a really cool video

    and sounds like a good idea

  4. I think it's a great idea, i could only wish we had something like that at our school for our GCSE's, but the whole separation thing may deepen the divide...anyway

    Well if you can pull it off should be good, but you may wanna tweak that video a bit...

  5. I'm torn between saying "that's kinda cool" and "why on earth can't you just be yourself at the regular graduate." I fully plan on bringing my wife when I graduate, and I've seen others bring their same s*x partners as well.  

  6. While I think it's a nice idea, I'm not comfortable with the concept of segregation. I believe everyone should be allowed to be themselves at a graduation ceremony.


    Yes, I'm still in the closet for the most part. For that reason, I can see this being a good idea. Is it in an area where people wouldn't find out, thus allowing someone to stay in the closet?

    All in all, I think a ceremony without discrimination is a beautiful thing.

  7. I just do not support people being closeted in anyway and this just sounds to me like the GLBT group at your school encouraging people to remain in the closet.

    Edit Note:

    Yes, I was in the closet a long time ago and I hated every minute of it and I would never encourage anyone to do that to themselves.  Especially not if I was part of a group who's mission is to support LGBTs.  

    As far as my profession is concern, I'm male in a female dominated career.  I come out whenever I tell people what I do for a living.

  8. i agree with meagain, why do u need a separate ceremony? it's like you're saying that you deserve to be treated special just because u are g*y.

  9. I think that is a beautiful video.  Don't know what GLBT is but I am going to send that link to a friend who has finally decided to move out of this small town and make a fresh start.

    Oh, I just googled GLBT.  Today hasn't been wasted, I learned something new!   Go for it.

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