
What do you think of this joke?

by  |  earlier

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why did the chicken cross the road?

to get to the other side

Why did it want to get to the otherside

to get to the pub

Why did it want to get to the pub

to go to the toilet

Why did it want to go to the toilet

because all the c***s were there




  1. That's really bad but it made me smile.

  2. u tried ur best...

    and its funny...

  3. It's so unfunny it's funny.

    i'd star this question but i dont know how :D

  4. hahah its pretty funny =]

  5. it would make better sense if instead of the toilet, you had inserted urinal. thanks though cuz now i can say that i made a new joke

  6. WOW! That sucked.

  7. Ok I've had enough of the chicken crossing and the woodchuck "jokes" so my thought is because the chicken wanted to get chucked.....

  8. yeah...funny enough

  9. Um.. lol.. not really.

  10. ... where did u get that joke from?  and one more thing...

    nobody will EVER find out why the chicken crossed the road!

    BECAUSE the chicken lives in a coop. not a city.

    ... i like chickens :D

    hope i helped!

  11. no unless you was telling it to a idiot who would laugh anyway

    :s its c**p



  12. ahhahahaha


  13. I do not think it is at all funny.

  14. It's terrible! I laughed at how bad it was lol

  15. 1-10  i would give it a 5

  16. its ok i laghed a little

  17. pretty bad

  18. It is pretty lame!

  19. very unfunny

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