That Semi-literate Gordon Brown and his Co-Cretins in the Cabinet have got the idea of having a "Motto" plastered all over buildings in the UK : proclaiming our "Britishness"
This is a blatant attempt to "Water-down" English-ness!
Jocks will still call themselves SCOTS!
Taffies will still call themselves WELSH!
Irish will still call themselves IRISH!
BUT we in England will be "lumped-together"
with every Black and Illegal Immigrant west of the Ural Mountains.
The English will be the only ones FORCED to call themselves British: this will DILUTE and DESTROY any sense of being ENGLISH.
The "Motto" will be chosen by"A Citizens' Summit!" WTF!
It will be chosen,of course, to sound like a "rap song".In the same way that "Respect" was chosen to pander to Blacks. (You don't hear little old English ladies saying:
"Hey,like Man! Don't "Diss" me like Man!"