
What do you think of this law that requires a prescription for contacts?

by  |  earlier

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I never used to have to go to the eye doctor every year. ... geez, i cant even afford that. But now there is this law, that requires me to have a new prescription when i need to reorder contacts. This is ridiculous. I dont have time or money to see the eye doctor every year. Who do i need to write to to get this law repealed and who passed it? and WHY?!!?!? These arent drugs, i just want to re order my prescription. It's my right isnt it?

Whats really crazy is that I'm nearly legally blind without my contacts in. and i couldnt afford to go to the eye doctor, but i couldnt reorder my contacts without his approval so what do they do? just let me be blind rather than send me my prescription? something is screwed up here. I finally got them. but what can i do to change the way things work?

sorry for the rant




  1. I'm sorry.. I agree with you, wish I knew an answer.

  2. Your eyes can change a lot over a years time or something serious within your eyes can happen in a years time.  They require a new prescription each year to make sure you are actually having your eyes checked by the doctor not going 10 years in between which something serious can come up.

  3. I am so agreeing with you.. I hate that too its just for that b******s to earn money.. every time i go to the eye doctor.. they give me the same prescription and charge me like $80 Its stupid.. Let me know when Ur gonna be signing a petition I'll add mine signature to it..

  4. There are so many other things that can be seen in a routine eye exam other than how well you are seeing...certain cancers can be detected early enough for treatments, diabetes, high blood pressure etc.  For the health of your eyes you should get them checked each year...I know you don't want to hear that but there it is.

    You say that contacts aren't drugs but what you are forgetting is that they ARE medical devices that need to be used in conjunction with an eyecare professional.  Failure to use them properly can lead to serious infections, ulcers on your cornea and many other problems that will prevent you from wearing contacts in the future.  

    So the bottom line is, what's more important to you?  Money or your eyesight??

  5. You sound really frustrated.  I can understand you in one aspect, but honestly, it's a prescription that needs to be written for by a doctor.  Like medication for high blood pressure.  If a MD write a prescription for it and the person takes it incorrectly, or it causes problems with different body organs (which lots of meds can)-it comes back on the doctor.  I have a friend who NEVER takes out his contacts and actually had an eye doctor yell at him and ask him if he wanted to lose his eyesight.  If he'd been allowed to go 5 years between visits, who's to say what irriversible damange he could have caused.

    Contact visits are around 50-60 dollars.  If you can afford 2-week contacts, this shouldn't be a problems. I don't know your financial situation but if you can't come up with the money why not just invest in a good pair of glasses that you know will last a few years?

    I've personally been wearing contact since I was 17, and I'm now almost 35.  I've ALWAYS had to have a yearly eye exam.  I think you need a pair of backup glasses to get you through those times you don't have the money for contacts.

    Good luck.

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