
What do you think of this lawyer...specializing in "anti-feminist cases or guys' rights cases." ?

by  |  earlier

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Also Ladies night where women get in free is good for business. Men want to go to singles bars to meet women and if the women get in free the are going to that establishment. It makes sence. However I do think maybe they should do a men's night to be fair. Except it would do the oposite it would bring in more men and less women LOL.




  1. You are going to thumbs down me, but I say its about time.  How can any people or subset of people hope to have "equality" when they strive to set themselves apart?

    Demanding special rights in any way shape or form is an implicit admission that you can not do it on your own.

    As far as defending men's rights in court.  It is easily demonstrable that in divorces men have been getting the short end of the stick for some time.  Things are starting to even out again, but men still have to prove "incompetence" on the part of the mother in many states to get even equal rights to their children.  

    I had to take part in a women's study course in college.  From a male prospective I can tell you that yes it made me uncomfortable and I felt "oppressed" in every meaning of the word when you apply it to a "hostile work environment".

    Sexual harassment and workplace harassment is legally "defined by the one being harassed".  Darn stupid definition, but if we are going to use it then women's studies are definately descriminatory.

  2. Personally, I wouldn't waste my time thinking about these issues, but I can't say I completely disagree with his position.

    His points are difficult for most people to accept because they seem to be the thinking of a crackpot, but some of them are valid.

    It wasn't that long ago that women's rights advocates were considered crackpots themselves. Anything that goes against mainstream thought is in danger of being labeled that way.  

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