
What do you think of this; male abortion?

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I was reading an article and this is an exerpt from it.

"When a female determines she is pregnant, she has the freedom to decide if she has the maturity level to undertake the responsibilities of motherhood, if she is financially able to support a child, if she is at a place in her career to take the time to have a child, or if she has other concerns precluding her from carrying the child to term. After weighing her options, the female may choose abortion. Once she aborts the fetus, the female's interests in and obligations to the child are terminated. In stark contrast, the unwed father has no options. His responsibilities to the child begin at conception and can only be terminated with the female's decision to abort the fetus or with the mother's decision to give the child up for adoption. Thus, he must rely on the decisions of the female to determine his future. The putative father does not have the luxury, after the fact of conception, to decide that he is not ready for fatherhood. Unlike the female, he has no escape route."

What do you all think?




  1. i think it's one of the numerous options people can choose based on their reasoning and logic.  

  2. Where's the male abortion part?

    If its an opt out its stupid and no. Instead of fighting for the right to be a dead beat, they should be fighting for the right to have equal say in the pregnancy.  

    Many woman can't go through with an abortion because they view it as murder. Opting out to pay for your child isn't murder, just sleazy. Which is the easier decision?

    Fight for harder restrictions (rape, medical problems, incest etc) on abortion. Opt outs wont happen.

  3. This idea has been bouncing around for a long time.  Due to the biological differences between men and women, this is one of those times when we can't treat them exactly the same way.  

    I tend to figure that it kinda balances out karmically because when a man gets a woman pregnant, he's not the one whose body is going to go through all that dramatic stuff that happens to a woman during pregnancy.  She gets a little more control, but the biological burden if the pregnancy is continued is all on her. She is the one who will get huge, who will get all the associated aches and pains, who will have to go through labour and delivery, and whose body will be permanently altered in some way by the process.  She is also the one who would have to take the drugs or have the surgery if she got an abortion.  These things are also not without risk and discomfort.

    Of course, in my ideal world, birth control technology would be a little better, and people would be a little more responsible about using it, and this would be a moot point for the most part.

  4. Some women don't give the male in question any say or options, but some do.  I don't agree with the woman making all the decisions herself without any input from the father unless they were under 18 or the woman is a rape victim.  Otherwise, the woman does have an obligation to let the father know she's pregnant and allow him the right to give his input on future action.

  5. I think both genders should just take responsibility. Unfortunately not everyone will ever be able to do that, so legally I think both genders should have a choice to opt out of parenthood, but that doesn't mean the father should be able to make the mother or not let her get an abortion.

  6. Men should have the right to "abort" their responsibilities just as a woman has a right to abort the child.  

  7. De ja vu from yesterday?

  8. Is there an argument to this?  I think that is all true.

  9. *drinks* to anyone that is sick of this argument...

    cause it ultimately all boils down to a lack of personal responsibility and accountability on both side of the gender spectrum.

  10. It's a tricky thing because it's the woman who had to do all the dirty work of actually going though having the child.

    IMO if a woman wants to abort but the father WANTS his child, then I feel that he should absolutely have some say. Even if that means an agreement that he becomes a single parent, and her part of the deal being in carrying the child and going through birth for him to have his kid. Although  someone could also try to make it a deal that she will pay.

    However, it's a different thing if the guy just up and decides he wants out of it. To do the fun part and run off his wrong and for cowards. A guy has the option to not be involved, but it's only right that he at least pay into child support. He's not the one that had to birth that baby but is a full part of the fact that the child exists.

  11. I think men should be able to opt out of fatherhood, but should not be able to tell a woman what to do with her body.

  12. I'll repeat what I said yesterday.

    The only problem I have with the concept of male abortion is that it makes no mention of a fee to obtain one. This effectively enables a man to have irresponsible s*x and walk away without any consequences.

    Women with unplanned pregnancies either pay for an abortion or they pay to deliver a baby.  

    Somewhere along the line, it makes sense that a man has to be held accountable for his part in creating an unwanted pregnancy.

    Here's an extra thought for today:

    I suggest that the fee to obtain a male abortion be the same as the fee for a woman to obtain an abortion.   Doesn't get much more equal than that.

  13. I agree.  I think it's very unfair.  If a woman wants to terminate the pregnancy but the father wants to have the child then that's too bad.  The woman has all the say and the man has none.  If the man wants to terminate the pregnancy but the woman doesn't then she can have the baby and make him pay child support for 18 years.  I think both the man and woman should have to agree to the abortion OR if the man wants the abortion and the woman doesn't he should be able to opt out of paying support.  If we're talking equality it has to go both ways.

  14. Women can use abortion to opt out of parenthood, so it really is only fair that men should be able to opt out also and have the option of whether or not to pay child support.

  15. I think that male abortion(waiving rights and responsibilities of fatherhood) should be legal if carried out in the same time frame that a woman has to abort. If abortion is legal, so should the male equivalent. Otherwise is discrimination against males. Destroying a potential human life and refusing to care for a human are both immoral but if one is legal, the other should be as well.

    Fatherhood has a massive impact on a persons life. Right now, men have few reproductive rights. Women are free to terminate pregnancy while men are told, "they should have kept it in their pants" when they refuse to be fathers.

    People who oppose such are upholding womens rights while denying the same rights to men.    

    Indigo:"However, it's a different thing if the guy just up and decides he wants out of it. To do the fun part and run off his wrong and for cowards."

    Indigo, does that make a woman who has an abortion a coward? She had the fun and then shirked the responsibility.

    Elf #3: "I suggest that the fee to obtain a male abortion be the same as the fee for a woman to obtain an abortion. Doesn't get much more equal than that."

    I'll have to concur.

  16. The excerpt is absolutely correct, the woman has MORE rights than the man.

    The only way I can think of it to give the father ONE CHANCE ONLY to opt out of fatherhood in an irreversible decision that must be made while an abortion is still legal (I believe it's around 20 weeks). He will never have any rights nor responsibilities toward the child (of course, this might only be done after the birth and a DNA test is performed to confirm paternity).

    But that still doesn't solve the problem of a child unwanted by the woman yet wanted by the man. Biology and medical science being what they are, I know of no acceptable solution.

    Best just to choose your sexual partners wisely. Don't sleep with anyone you wouldn't want to raise a child with.

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