
What do you think of this? my dogs..?

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I just got back from walking billy,bruno and jersey. Well this rude lady comes up to talk to me (far enough away so the dogs cant reach her)and she says "those pit bulls are going to kill you. You are endangering every one around you. You shouldn't be walking them or taking them out of the house" i reply " well if there so dangerous why do they live with two young children and let them lay there heads on them while the children are watching cartoons? They do not have a mean bone in there body. I could take them out ANY TIME i want to and its not of your business what i do. So go back in the hole your crawled out of and leave me and my dogs alone." then she replies " I am just saying they are vicious dogs that deserve to die because they WILL kill somebody." then i rolled my eyes and walked away. I'm not going to argue with some lady that has no idea what she is talking about. Ive got similar remarks from people but nothing EVER this rude. I mean she had NO business coming up to me and saying that. What would you have done in this situation? Can you believe how rude some people are.

Other question::: What brand of dog food do you feed your dogs?




  1. Well hello, what else would you expect from an ignorant butt-crack like her?

    Oh and I feed my dog California natural

  2. That lady is such a dimwit! If I was in a situation like that I would say whatever and just walk away from her ignorant self! Oh and I feed my dogs Innova(small bites)

  3. Well, YOu have more self controll then I do- I would have been LIVID! I'm pissed just reading it- who does she think she is???.. What a Moron, I hope she has a horrible day!!!

    That would have really upset me. I'm sorry she was rude to you.. I hope you have a wonderful day- Maybe if all the people like her Die then there will be no more bans on this adorable breed:)

    Not that I would wish her to die...But if it happened ...O well:)

    EDIT** To Katheathea- Many breeds are territorial, and cause bodily harm not just pits and rotts, I think you ignorance is showing.

  4. Some people are just pain ignorant. You know your dogs so just ignore her. I have had people say I abuse my Chihuahua's because I take them for walks not carry them in a purse. To me it's more abusive to treat them as accessories than it is to give them exercise.

    Unfortunately there will always be ignorant people. Just prove them wrong by making sure your dogs are well trained and a credit to you and their breed.

    It's not a breed that causes problems. It's the people who own them. I'm good hands like yours Pit's are loving and gentle Just as Chi's in the hands of people like me are not yapping and snappy.

    They say ignorance is bliss. There must be a lot of people who live in a state of pure euphoria in this world in that case

    I feed my dogs Wellness

  5. It's unfortunate that people judge pit bulls and pit bull-looking breeds before they even get the chance to know them. I doubt your dogs were doing anything bad when you were walking them. What she did was completely uncalled for and extremely rude.

    If someone did that to me while my dogs were well-behaved on a walk, I would have stepped back to take a breather to prevent myself from getting angry at her, defended my dogs and shown her that my dogs were not aggressive and never will be. She has no right to say that to you when your dogs weren't doing anything. It's not her business. It is shocking to see how rude some people are, and how they choose to believe media c**p over first-hand experience.

    Unfortunately, rude remarks come along with owning a bully breed. You just have to develop tough skin and handle these ignorant people without exploding on them, as much as you'd like to. At the same time, your response wasn't much better. It did nothing to help her understand that what she said was wrong. It probably just fuels her idea that pits are bad. You could've taken the chance to help educate her. Show her that your dogs are not what she thinks they are. Give her the opportunity to meet some good pit bulls.

    I feed my dog Royal Canin. I know, not the best food out there. I'm looking into switching him onto something better sometime soon.

  6. This is another case of people hearing one story about a breed of dog and immediately thinking that all one of its kind are bad. This is no where near true and everybody knows that every dog is different. Pit balls are lovely little dogs if trained properly and i have experienced grandad used to have one when i was 6 and he was soppy as h**l...never hurt a fly. Wonderful dog, great with kids.

    That was incredibly rude of that stupid woman and i bet she has never even had a dog herself and in her family, let alone a pit ball so she has no idea in h**l what they are like. She just probably heard 1 story on the news about a pit ball and thinks they are all the same. She knows nothing. In fact i feel very sorry for pit balls actually because most dumb people think they are and I know they most certainly aren't.

    You did very well sticking up for yourself and so you should have done! She is just an ignorant cow...excuse my language lol. As you said your dogs are clearly great with kids and wouldn't hesitate to have them around any child as they are simply a great family dog. Well done! You did well...

    Oh and my answer to your other question...

    I tend to feed my dog Cesar but it completely depend on the type of food your dog likes. My dog likes the wet food so i get him Cesar cans but if yours prefer dry food then i would suggest pedigree of bakers. But look in the supermarket...experiment...see which ones they like best.

    Hope this has helped you, you did well!

  7. I would have told her to get the fock outta my face, before I unhooked my dogs from the leash. (I own pitbulls too)

    JUST kidding.

    I CAN believe how rude people are, because some people can't tell their own a$$ from their head.

    But, I live in a state where no one gives a shat about anyone else, so I NEVER get comments about my dogs from the locals, only from the tourists.

    I was walking my dog downtown, busy tourist day, sunny, and beautiful.  My dog was just trotting along, minding her own business, when I walked past this couple, a man and woman, clearly husband and wife.  My dog didn't growl, snap, lunge, or even bat an eye at them, but the man still proceded to say, "GOD, I HATE pitbulls" as I walked by, when he JUST walked by a PRIME example of a well behaved pitbull.

    Some a$$holes will never change.  We just have to accept it.

    I feed my dog a kibble which I will refrain from mentioning because it is pure c**p in kibble form, but, I'm extremely broke right now, and unfortunately cannot afford to feed anything better, however, I have begun to feed raw as well, a combo of raw meals and kibble meals.

  8. Well, pitbulls do have a reputation for extreme aggression, which is not undeserved, historically.  She was a bit overboard, I agree, but it was just her opinion.  If you've had no trouble with them, and they are well trained, it's a minor issue.

    Still, pits and rotweilers are highly territorial, can be extremely aggressive, and are big enough to be dangerous.  

    Incidentally, we feed Thorby either Beneful Healthy Radiance or Kibbles n' Bits.

  9. wellness and natures variety raw instincts(no fillers, very very healthy, dogs love it--rat terriers and labs)

    pit bulls do have aggression problems but if they're cared for and trained properly, they should be just fine.  she doesn't know anything about anything!  that comment was completely rude.  she doesn't know your dogs as well as u do so she shouldn't said anything.  if they were behaving and walking fine then she shouldn't have said anything.

    you can't do anything about people like that.  just walk away and don't let it get to u.  just keep doing what you're doing with your dogs.  walking them is good for them.  

  10. ive been working with dogs since i was 14. (i was a dog groomer) and i know that any breed of dog can be mean. its not the dog, its the owner. it all depends on how the owner raises it. and it seems like when pit bulls came into my work, they were the biggest babies.

    (i was actually really scared of the german shepards)

    people are so mean and rude.

  11. There is no accounting for ignorant people.  We had a pit bull named Jesse and she was very gentle. I remember her cuddling on the couch with our grandchildren and watching TV.  Dogs are trained to be mean.  It is sad that these dogs get such a bad rap!

    Iams for small indoor dogs. I have a shih tzu now.

    Besides, when out walking, if your dogs were on lead, and under control, that ignorant person had no right to speak to  you that way!  GRR!

  12. People don't understand what a vicious dog is if they have never been around one. I have a bullmastiff mix that will rip anyones head off if given the chance (this was because he was terriably abused as a pup and doesn't trust anyone but me)

    I also have a lab pit mix, a rottie and a anatolian shepherd that will l**k you to death!

    Sometimes it's not even the owners of the dogs it's the BREEDERS!!!

    If your pits came from a reputable breeder and u have treated them kindly they are just like any other dog!

    My neighbor down the way has a chi that will run out of the yard and attack anyone it's not  the look, breed or siize of the dog it's where they came from in the beginning!

    I have run into this situation before. I would have calmly explained that I got my dogs from reputable people and that the breeders or people raising the dogs contribute to the attitude that the dog has for life. I would have gone on explaining that your pits are extremely well behaved (if this is the case) and that they are wonderful dogs with great personalities. And if your pits are as well trained as you say I would have invited her over to meet them and show her that not all of the dogs stereotypes apply to every dog of that breed.

    Losing your temper and telling her to "crawl back in her hole" was un-called for. She needed to be educated on the breed.

    Having 3 pitbulls you must enjoy this breed immensly! Good for you! the best thing to do with rude people is to educate them so...write all you know about your breed down in point form and make pamphlits about the breeds information and attitude...good points and bad...and carry them when you walk! People like this should be walked up to handed a flyer and walked away from...


    ~Pat your 3 beautiful dogs for me

    *EDIT* - Forgot to mention I feed Ol'Roy it's made by pedigree

  13. rudeness AND stupidity! what a combination!

    her stupidity makes HER dangerous.

    CANIDAE dry.

  14. AHH...I hate misinformed people!!!!

    I was walking all 5 of my dogs (2 pits, pom, chi, and a cocker)  at pulling , behaving well, and this lady walks up to me...  yelling

    WTH are you doing walking 2 fing pit bulls near my princess (some yorkiepoo doodle) they will EAT HER..I said mame If they *wanted* to eat it they would...I just walked away

    ADD: Wellness Core!!

  15. Understandable to be annoyed, but what good will "go back in your hole you crawled out of" do?  

    You're response was just as ignorant as her initial comments to you.  Stop complaining about people who generalize your breed if you aren't doing anything to educate them.  

  16. that is so rude.i am not keen on pit bulls.but they sound fine to me.i would just walk away.someone said my golden retriever was dangerous.

    just because i had him in a harness when walking him.

  17. Well, the most ignorant of people tend to run their mouth the most.  Sorry to hear this happened, that's just wrong.  You know how great of dogs you have.  Give your pups a big ole hug and just try to ignore the stupid people out there.  

  18. first if all i wount steep to her level and be mean second i would of told her not all pits are mean it just stupid people that gave them a bad rep.. by dog fights and its all on how you bring them up if you train them to be mean then yes they will hurt people but if there brought up right then they will be sweet dogs just like any dog can be mean....just cause there a pit people want them destroyed any dog can be mean and fishious

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