
What do you think of this name for a dog?!!!!??

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I know someone who named their dog "GAMEBOY" ;D

what do you think about that ?




  1. that is different .. not what i would name my dog .. but ok  

  2. that sounds odd, i dont like it

  3. hey its his pet you dont have to live with him i have a cat named toaster what of it? you need to leave your pal alone if he likes gameboy then let him be.

  4. I say each to their own, and in face, its nice to see some unusual pet names!  But.........tbh Gameboy would not be my choice but its catchy all the same!

  5. I dont like it. Because like saying "Gameboy, come!" would be so weird! lol

  6. um it sounds really wierd but i guess it depends on the dog? i dont know but i dont like it!

  7. That name is kind of wierd, but then I knew a dog named NINTENDO. Some people name their dogs the craziest things, but sometimes it fits their personalities. I knew a lady who had a chihuahua named Dingo, but I visited it and then I knew why.

    Good Luck!

  8. haha

  9. okay, or remi...really anything sounds good for a dogs name

  10. Why not my husband taught my cockatiel to whistle the Super Mario Brothers song. Sounds like somebody likes video games.  

  11. I wouldn't like it for my dog, but then again, there are people who wouldn't like what my dogs names are either (Mugster & Pancho), sooooo I guess it depends on what the person who owns the dog likes.

  12. you can not be a dog lover if you name your dog must be kidding or they need to grow-up or get professional help! POOR DOG needs a new owner.

  13. gameboy is a rediculous name for a dog, lol. no offence to your friend tho........

    i think spike, trigger, molly, marlie, bailey or duke are awesome dogs names!

  14. sorry to offend you but it sounds odd i mean thats a name for a electronic system

  15. I don't like it.

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