
What do you think of this name for a little girl?

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Adeline (nn Addie) or Adele. Adeline is a diminutive of Adele. Opinions? Thanks!

Adeline Margaret

Adeline Rose

Or Caroline




  1. Adeline Margaret sounds really sweet. :)

  2. i like

    Adeline Rose

  3. i love that name! You can nickname her Addy!

  4. I think Adeline Rose is a beautiful name. Very classy and sophisticated. Personally, I'm not too fond of Adele - no reason why. I think Adeline just flows nicer and is much more feminine. I also love the name Carolina. I assume you suggested it for a middle name? Adeline Caroline wouldn't go so nicely because they rhyme. Adele Caroline doesn't flow to nicely either. Excuse me if my accusations are incorrect but if you meant Caroline for a first name I hope you choose this one! I love it as a first name, very feminine and traditional. Caroline Margaret or Rose are very pretty.

  5. Adeline Rose! that is the most prettiest name ive ever heard!

  6. I love Adeline Rose. It's so cute!*

  7. I like Adeline Rose, its cute!

  8. I like Adele much more.

    Adeline looks like you made a typo on Madeline to be honest. And I prefer Madeline too!

    Just being honest =)


  9. I like Adeline Rose a lot.  

  10. I think Adeline Rose is such a cute and pretty name! Another form of the name is Adalyn (or Adelyn)....Adalyn Rose is very cute too! I'm not too found of the name Adele, but I love Adeline and Adalyn! Hope this helps! =)

  11. personally i love adeline rose, but thats becuz we plan on naming our daughter Adalyn Rose or Adalyn Marie, very similar but all very very beautiful


  12. adeline rose


  13. no offence or anything but i think adele sound quite scaffy but i think adeline is beautiful

  14. Adeline Rose

  15. I like Adeline Rose

  16. friends of our family just named their daughter Addelyn.  They call her Addy.  I like it.  

  17. Adeline Rose!! I like Addy for a nickname!

    Hope this helps!

  18. I agree with the first poster.

  19. Re: AdeIine.

    I personally was just looking up baby names the other day and came across this name.  I wrote it on my "LIKE" list.  It is very pretty.

    I like how Adeline Rose sounds together!

    All the best!

  20. Adeline Rose is a beautiful name!

  21. I love the names Adeline and Margaret, but not so much together. I love Adeline Rose, though. It's really cute.  

  22. I prefer Adeline Rose.  Rose is a nicer name than Margaret.  Plus, if your going to call her Addie, Addie Rose definitely sounds better than Addie Magaret!

    Caroline is just... eh...

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