
What do you think of this new Sam Harris article about Palin?

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  1. Amen.

  2. I think it comes from a anti-American rag of a newspaper that couldn't be more liberal.

    you should stop treading this trash and learn to be a good American

  3. I agree.  Average people don't belong in the Oval Office nor do below average ones.  See George Bush for below average details.

  4. Maybe liberals are called elite because we are.  We clearly have many above average qualities including numbers of voters in our party.  We may be a major factor in why this is the greatest country on earth as GOPers are wont to recall.  (GOPers-that's cute- could be cause by acute anxiety)  I would not include McCain as an elite person.  He clearly has other ways of getting where he is.  Major events in his history make that clear.

    Sister Sarah reminds me of the role Shirley McClain played in a movie where she pretended to be a nun while having a very different background.  She has requested and received proportionately more earmarks than any state in the union.  Ted Stevens, accused of accepting oil money inappropriately, is her benefactor.  The lawyer she hired for personal use is also on the state payroll...Guess he decides who to bill so news reports indicted.  Her husband works for the oil company.  More than half of Alaska's taxes are from oil revenues.  They want to take Anwar back as state property so they can drill it and get royalties from sending it through their pipeline which is much more expensive than a line through Canada.  Voters can take comfort that part of the price they pay for gasoline goes to support Alaska.

    Her personal life doesn't match her ideals it seems to me.  She has the same"I'm right and you're wrong" attitude that GW had and still has.  She's clearly no Hillary Clinton and probably will never be.  

    They talk about experience.  She doesn't have a clue about the lower 48 much less the international situation of this country  Never lived in or worked in an urban area or seen their blight, never seen gangs armed with automatic weapons threatening citizens and police, never seen the network of roads and rails which connect this land and considered their maintenance, never been in public schools here, never encountered the traffic or commutes, unaware of issues among teens, never seen the pressure on public services, never considered the influx of refugees/illegals, and has not dealt with Washington.  GOP talks about Jimmy Carter's inability to change Washington.  Wait til sweet Sarah runs into that crowd.  She doesn't have a clue as to what makes corruption in the Congress possible although John could tell her about campaign contributions.  She does know who to contact for federal money. But her experience in a a detached state of 650,000 people doesn't get her ready for the Vice President's role in aa divided nation of 300 million people.  She doesn't know what or how much she doesn't know which gives her the arrogant air.

  5. A well written article that show why nobody in their right mind should vote for McCain/Palin ticket

    I find it a little disturbing that a certifiable patriot like McCain would place the needs of his party over the needs of his country.

  6. I think Sam Harris is an idiot.

  7. Im sure the Daily Kos salutes you........

  8. I think it is safe to say that Sam DOES NOT believe McCain puts COUNTRY FIRST !

    I agree with him!

  9. I could not agree more with Harris.

    If McCain were really putting country first, as his slogan claims, then he would not have chosen the least qualified person to replace him as his VP.

    I also agree that Americans' tendency to vote for 'the guy I'd have a beer with' is scary and self-destructive.  The point about not wanting an average joe surgeon is a great analogy.  If we elect McCain/Palin, especially after 8 years of George W. Bush, we deserve all the destruction that will inevitably ensue.

  10. Something happening to 'Maverick' McCain and leaving an idiot like Palin in office is exactly what Karl Rove and the GOP are putting their money on.

    It's why they told him (read: ordered him) to pick her.

    They want another idiot like Bush that they can control easily.

  11. I agree.  McCain has exhibited either extremely poor judgment or extreme cynicism.  

  12. Sam Harris exhibits the elitism and negativity of the typical liberal...that is what I think...he insinuates that only 'non-thinking' people would approve McCain's pick...I won't read any further thanks...

  13. So true

  14. What a gem. I love a good read while munching on a tasty sandwich.

    I have sauces all over my keyboard!

    But it's all worth it.

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