
What do you think of this new rondel (my first ever)?

by Guest64060  |  earlier

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Before the dusk has settled low

Before the hour has grown too late

I pause once more to ruminate

On all the pangs of life below,

On all the things I cannot know -

The myst'ries of Time's vast estate

Before the dusk has settled low

Before the hour has grown too late.

And in my head and heart they sow

A question none can explicate:

How far doth reach the hand of Fate?

And how far have I left to go

Before the dusk has settled low?




  1. As to the structure, I am not experienced to comment, but as to the words and flow, superb!  My compliments.  

  2. That's a very nice rondel. Ah! "Ruminat" That's a new word to me! And I understand your thoughts very well. That's exactly how I think/feel sometimes. Your poem was very eloquent. Thank you for sharing.

    Best regards,

    Lullë Rhymesmith



    I started to write a sonnet about mutual love. What do you think of its first quatrain?

    Isn’t love a sunny sky whose azure

    Heart of immeasurable boundaries  

    Is fondly warmed by his mistress, so pure

    In light and love and faithful gauderies


  3. A query to inform me, a description of a rondel is two 4 line stanzas, and a 3rd 5 line stanza.  The rhyming pattern seems perfect to this novice. Was your 1st stanza meant to be two?  Ok, the technical stuff is over.

    It is a gift to have this time of life to meditate more, appreciate more.

    to quote the Psalmist, Teach us to number our days.

    And my words, sip a glass of wine, on the porch in an old rocker, listen to tree frogs.  Paradise enow.

  4. Very nice!

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