
What do you think of this news article?

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Disgusting imo

And this one:

What do you think of these articles?




  1. agreed!

  2. Wow, the first article is rather shocking!  Can the government get more invasive into the private lives of their citizens?  Don't they have bigger issues to worry about than the private lives of people who are in love and just want to express their affections or to join the 21st century in standard dating activities.

    The second article was fantastic!  Muslim women encouraged to become educated and to join in the working and modern world outside their homes-- unbelievable!  I just hope that these women take this opportunity to its full advantage and that they have the perseverance, cohesiveness and the strength to stand up to all the pig men who put them down or try to hold them back from their basic human rights.

    Progress, progress one inch at a time!

  3. the first is just yet another story that gives Islam a bad name

    The second story is very strange.  They could send me on as many courses as they want, but I still wouldn't be prepared to confront a terrorist.  I'll leave that to the experts

  4. same old rubbish

  5. It's hard to keep up the reputation of a religion when it is so ridiculous  

  6. The phrase "Unmarried Muslims in close proximity" just about sums up the utter stupidity of the religion. The fact that mothers need to be taught how to convince their children not to kill themselves and others speaks volumes too!

  7. agree, i say ameen  

  8. That's ridiculous, it's people like this who give Islam a bad name!

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