
What do you think of this news story re nurses?

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A peer has launched an attack against nurses at Bath's Royal United Hospital. Lord Mancroft told the House of Lords that he was treated at the hospital in 2007, and described the nurses as "grubby and drunken". "The nurses that looked after me were mostly grubby. We're talking about dirty fingernails, slipshod, lazy."




  1. Being a Lord he should just get fecked and pay for his treatment.  He is afterall getting a massive wage for being an unelected tosser.

    And if he did have a genuine complaint he should have made it at the time rather than mouthing of to other Lords at how ghastly it was to be treated with the common people.

    So the girls were talking about what they were drinking and who snogged who - so what?!!  I'd be happy to hear that the nurses were able to go out and let of steam.  They work a d**n sight harder than the likes of him for a fraction of the salary.

  2. I reckon he was talking BS.

  3. no comment, i got into trouble last time i answered one of your questions. lol x

  4. I dont believe a word of it.

  5. I think he's a bit harsh.  My daughter was in hospital last week for an operation and the nurses were fantastic.

    But:  I did wish they were back in proper uniforms.  One of the nruses bent over and I could see her bum cleavage and her knickers.  Not nice.  Her trousers were scuffed, too.  I would have thrown them out long ago.

    I can honestly say they weren't drunk, and I never saw any dirty fingernails, though.  They knew what they were doing, they were kind.  Some just didn't look all that professional.

  6. Well I have to agree - having spent time in various hospitals over the last couple of years - the cleanliness and efficiency of nursing staff is very poor. But I think this is inherent in the hospital establishment where slovenliness seems to be the standard to aim for. I visited my father in hospital last week and he spilled a cup of coffee on the floor - I looked at a nurse and she just told me that there was some paper over there! I then proceeded to clean up the coffee avoiding used dressings and blood stains.

    It is no wonder that these super-bugs are so virulent.

    I could go on....

  7. A prime example of the effects on inter-breeding !

    In the event that any of his comments are true he should have pursued the matter in the proper way following the established grievance/complaints procedure.

    The house of Lords make me sick, an un-elected bunch of Numpties only there by birth.

    They are un-democratic and in this day and age an embarrassment.

  8. stop putting silly questions

  9. if that guy really had such an awful time why did he make no complaint to the hospital???

  10. Pity the poor nurse's who have to treat cretins like him

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