
What do you think of this person in this article?

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On behalf of every "octopus ... in the oceans of the world," a Texas truck driver says he has filed a federal lawsuit against the owners of the Red Wings to stop the practice of octopus tossing.

Patrick Greene , 59, of San Antonio, who has zero interest in hockey, caught a news clip of the 50-year-old tradition after the Wings beat the Penguins for the Stanley Cup, and, he says, was "nauseated.

"I called my wife over to the TV, and said, 'Look at this.' She said, 'Why, that's horrible,' " Greene said in a telephone interview Thursday. "Who would treat an animal, alive or dead, like it's some kind of toy?"

Greene, an Air Force veteran, says he's not a member of any animal-protection groups. His brief says he has a right to file the suit because "every human being has the universal responsibility of protecting all domestic and wild animals of the world. The octopus ... deserves to be allowed to live its life in peace."

Greene cited no violations of federal law in his filing; but said the practice violates the Michigan Bodies of Dead Animals Act, a law passed in 1982.

"He's obviously very passionate about his position, and I respect that," said Karen Cullen , representative for Ilitch Holdings, owner of the Red Wings. "We'll review his concerns and then respond."




  1. Sigh

    Everyone wants their 15seconds of fame

  2. Considering he's lives in a state that equates animal rights activism with eco-terrorism, it's likely he's just doing this out of some spiteful feelings toward the state of Michigan.

  3. ...this guy needs a hobby. Sea Monkeys perhaps?

  4. I think his wife is a VAGATERIAN .. e-mail me if you need an explanation.

    paging Andy VanHellemond .. will you please give a misconduct to 58 .. i live in Texas and it seems they think we don't know hockey .. *chinga tabarnak* lol

  5. This has been going on in Detroit for as long as I can remember! Why try and stop it now?! It seems to me that it's a tradition in Hockeytown! This guy should grow up and he doesn't need the 5 minutes of fame.

  6. I think he needs to find something to do in life. I mean really get over it.

  7. That's pretty lame. First of all, How in God's name do you call someone "over the TV..." If this man wrecks a timeless tradition, I'd be delighted to wreck his face. I think all sports fans should be angry, hockey fan or not, Wings fan or not. It's a great tradition.

  8. Give Bill best answer.  He summed it up perfectly.  This is a frivolous lawsuit designed to do nothing more than put his name in the national headlines.  These people are not going to the ocean, catching and killing an octopus for the sole purpose of throwing it on the ice at a hockey game, they are going to a seafood store and buying one that is already dead.

    Here is a link to the Michigan Bodies of Dead Animals Act.

    I don't read or speak lawyer fluently, but I don't really see where the guy has a case.

  9. Holy c**p. Michigan nor Detroit doesn't need this c**p. We already have enough problems to worry about!

    And yeah. That kinda ticks me off. He's all about saving the octopus's life, but what on Earth does anybody think he eats at night? Probably the steak from his neighbors cow that he helped him kill. How hypocritical! I hate hypocrits! Ugh!

    And because he knows nothing about hockey, he shouldn't really have any say at all of what to do with a hockey tradition. Stupid, stupid people who have no respect for any real tradition at all. Annoys me so much!

  10. Yet another Andy Warhol exciting for him. Now that you have gotten your 15 minutes isnt it time to crawl back under a rock....or better yet crawl under one of your truck tires while it is rolling.Maybe Dallas fans can take up throwing dead idiots on the ice! Wonder if that "truck" ever carried a dead it has,morals arent as important if there is a buck to be made!

  11. The Bottom Line

    he is doing nothing different than the Trolls on this board

    that is taking your beliefs and forcing them on other people

    He must be a G.W Bush Lover aka A Coward

  12. I think the person in that article should get back to watching figure skating.

    People like this, in this article are pathetic.

  13. I'm guessing he's not a vegetarian so does the cow/chicken/lamb/pig deserve "to be allowed to live its life in peace" too?

  14. what is the world coming to....HE LIVES IN FLIPPING TEXAS!!!! if he really thinks he has a chance good for him. Either the octopus was gonna get eaten or thrown on the ice its dead anyways...he probably belongs to peta and is vegetarian

  15. He must have the longest route in Texas to have time to go through with this. No wonder the American judicial system is slow to repond to legitimate concerns - being bogged down by publicity seeking wannabe's and their frivolous lawsuits.

  16. HAHAHAH, LOL, that is the funniest thing I've ever heard!  I wonder what this guy does at supermarkets?  Is he a vegetarian?  

    Eiter he's a loon or he's after money, probably the latter.

  17. LAME

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