
What do you think of this pic?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Looks as though it was taken on an automatic camera with the camera making all the decisions apart from the subject matter.  Trouble is, automatic cameras can be easily confused.  A little human intervention could have made the image punchier.  My suggestion for a simple improvement would have been to manually focus on your selected point or else to use as small as aperture as you could manage so as to increase the depth of field, bringing more of the subject into focus.

    I like the idea of the shot.  Does it say all you wanted it to say?

  2. Don't give up the day job!

  3. Erm. It's an umbrella.

  4. was it raining, when you took photo?

  5. it's fantastic

  6. Not a lot babes - as it happens. Is it meant to symbolise anything??  If so, I don't see it.

    Now if it was black. BLACK BLACK BLACK

  7. "What do you think of this pic?"

    Not a lot.  

  8. Brilliant. Seems you were lying down at the time. How's the hangover?

  9. its okay i suppose, good idea though with the umbrella,

    maybe you could show people under the umbrella when it was raining? that would of looked nice,

    but to be very honest i don't really like it, it looks like a random photo that somebody took for the sake of it..

  10. umbrellaa

  11. Like the shot but I agree with a previous answer that it needs more depth of field--everything should be very crisp and sharp--then the lines become the focus.  Right now they are blurry and distracting.  Try f22 or f32.

  12. just an umbrella??

    ok it's nice because its my favorite color!

  13. A bit of photoshop-ping could really bring out the colours. ;3

  14. Blurry and flat, though it has interesting lines.

  15. nice shade of purple

  16. .... are u asking as a photographer or as a normal person ...

    if ur asking as a photographer then ... it shows .. the lines as draw back of the white umbrella ... skin... the lines could represent the emptiness of a soul on a rainy day or the shallowness ... of a human as if they were just thinking about .. how to ...  find thenselves in a clear sighting ...

    and the normal way ....

    its an umbrella


  17. Pretty boring picture!

  18. Keep your regular job. If you're in school, stay in school.

  19. it's not in focus.  

  20. could be better. try and see if u can make it look like its not an umbrella or make people guess...engage the audience moere with the picture

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