
What do you think of this podcast interview with Randy Orton?

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Here's the link, it's from the UK Sun, the podcast is at the end of the article, just click on the link. It's available through Itunes or winamp:

In it he talks about his anger issues, and about some other wrestlers, and he mentions for whatever reason CM Punk is World Champion.

He himself has said he's had anger issues, WWE made him take anger management classes, got into trouble regularly and WWE always talked to him about. Some top wrestlers have told him he has all the potential in the world and the only one that can stop him is himself. Though I think he's doing better at his anger, I think he still needs improving (I'm talking about off camera, not his on camera character). His anger and acting up issues were not rumors, those were real...he has acknowledged it. Plus, I've witnessed it before in front of Madison Square Garden...

Q1: Do you think was just young with an attitude, sort of like HBK when he was younger?

Q2: Why do people give thumbs down to my answer in a prior question when I mention Randy has anger issues, when he himself has said he does?

Q3: Do you think there will be issues between him and Punk when he comes back to RAW after what he said?

I personally think Punk has too much class to make it a big issue what Randy said...




  1. your making out like cmpunk is a saint. I met both randy and punk. Randy was nice cmpunk was not. I asked punk for a autograph and in his words he said "let me thing about it ummmm nah I have better things to d"

    my opioun at least orton has the balls to admit he's had a attitude problem and try to fix it unlike cmpunk

  2. yes

    because they are retarded

    most likely

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