
What do you think of this poem? Can you tell who the author is?

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Go ahead! String me up

On the gallows to die

Shamed and accused

Of crimes not mine

Go ahead! Let me hang

From the rafters with glee

The murders will not

Cease with the death of me

Go ahead! String me up

Do as your wish

Just know its not the

Condemned writting this




  1. author or narrator?

    and if it's not the condemned...well tbh it puts me in mind of the film The Prestige, and i'd think it was the twin...(don't know if you've seen that film)

    but i'm probably way off. go on, tell.

    on the poem, i'd say, it's fair enough, for a short, simple rhyme; however, it's not a poetic wonder: it evokes little emotion. but i will say, if the author is you, keep trying, you can do well.

    edit: ahhhh i makes more sense now. you're using "me" to mean the person they think is the criminal...the substitute 'me'. it's a tad confusing, but makes sense now.

  2. its not bad an attempt at all...

    had it gone on 4 longr it might have evoked some feeling n emotion,but i feel it is too short......try adding some more lines to it!

  3. very... violent

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