the day the lord made Is the day you get your wings.
it is a shAme you can't get theM now
because no one would except ThAt they're yours aNd not theirs.
some will wonder where their's are
but they don't Know they don't deserve them as much as you.
you are strong For others when they are at their weakest.
while yoUr wings wouLd hElp now, you can do your work without them.
imagine what you'd do with them.
howeVer thosE dark ones who Resent you would trY to strip you of such glory.
i would spenD every moment fighting them off but i would not be Alone.
all of those You touch will be there beside me on the frontline because theY are forever in your debt.
not many have seen the work you do, and i have felt it more than most.
those who have would fight for you.
your smile is enough wash away a days worth of depression
and your words can Cure the deepest depression.
while All angels have trials and tribulations, you fight.
when one day, you get your wings...all of tiMe wIll stop to watch you rise, with great happiNess for you belong with ThOse who have their wings.
when others scorn, you turn the other cheek because that cheek is Made of forgiveness and pittY for those who do not see your true beauty.
your opposite cheek is made for those you Love.
together those two cheeks make the smIle that is priceless.
iF i had a wish, it would be for you to gEt your wings, but the wish would be wasted.
because you will get them one day and when the world stops to stare, the angels won't cry. They will celebrate
Because, my dear, you deserve your wings