
What do you think of this poem i wrote?

by  |  earlier

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Yammering away in shrill voices

Like a rusty nail being driven through my brain

These vapid little temptresses act as though

the world revolves around them.

Such pretty little sirens aren't they?

But beauty hides a beastly mind,

Sirens are known for drowning sailors

and these are no exception.

Flaunting their beauty in our faces

they seem to think we should worship them.

But i wont worship you, Vile harpie

I see inside your heart.

Its blacker than the abyss.

Your forked tounge and your poisened words

may have angered me at first

but no longer will i let you have that power.

I laugh at your attempts to make me want you

I dont want you, i dont need you, i dont like you

You are as vile as a gorgon you nastly little cow.

I have moved on but I see your still the same.

A vapid little w***e with no depth at all.

That is all you are.




  1. good one

  2. that was the longest and the gayest poem i ever heard

  3. wow i liked it. u got talent...

    nice twist btw haha

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