
What do you think of this proposed amendment ?

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It is called the 28th Amendment. Here is a link that explains what is in case you never heard of it.




  1. Im fascinated by this part

    "Therefore: Islam is not a religion, but a political ideology more akin to Fascism and totally in opposition to the ideals of freedom as described in the United States Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights."

    Mostly because it comes just before this part:

    "The practice of Islam is therefore not protected under the 1st Amendment as to freedom of religion and speech."

    Then there is this gem:

    "As representatives of Islam around the world have declared war, and committed acts of war, against the United States and its democratic allies around the world, Islam is hereby declared an enemy of the United States and its practice within the United States is now prohibited."

    Followed closely by this:

    "Nothing in this amendment shall be construed as authorizing the discrimination against, of violence upon, nor repudiation of the individual rights of those Americans professing to be Muslim. The individual right of conscience is sacrosanct and the practice of Islam within the privacy of home and self is strictly protected to the extent that such individuals do not violate the prohibitions described in Article III."

    This is one of the most contradictory things Ive read in a long time.

    The religion is outlawed, but people can practice it.

    All education of Islam has to discuss its history of violence, but in now way are they advocating discriminating against Muslims?

    Its revolting that anyone can think this way.  Its almost like theyre channeling McCarthy.

  2. It shows an enormous degree of ignorance about Islam.

  3. I think it violates Freedom of Religion.

    I would never support it.

  4. The comment thread is fascinating -- some very well thought out discussions. I was disappointed that the writer of the amendment was so close-minded in the comment thread.

    That said, the amendment itself dictates a political ideology and would set precedent for any other number of "unacceptable" ways of thinking to be outlawed. I cannot support such an approach.

  5. and perhaps you have also noticed one more thing....that in the Muslim world all Christianity practice is condemned...what you have to say about that?, isn't one side and the other contrary to what Jesus teach us, but wait a minute who teach us Love Muslims or Catholics, and who makes them confront ea.other if not Atheists? so maybe there should be a clause somewhere condemning atheism, Now, is atheism a religion? no but it comports as if is. Anyone of them can go to any religion and pretend to be one of them, as  so they can be spies, and make others be against one another. but then again that will be too hard to do and harder to prove,right? wouldn't it?

  6. *Yes there have been alot of halve truth's and lies,especially about McCarthy,as one person here injected his name.

  7. The link that you site is a hate crime site that maybe should be reported to homeland seurity department, and other parts of the government as a place that should get shut down.

    It mixes a lot of lies with some half truths, such as the n**i symbol.  Yes there are problems like other nations being intolerant, but the solution to that is not to imitate them.

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