
What do you think of this puppy?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Awww she is soooo sweet! omg! i would get her now!!

  2. she is so beautiful!!!!.........

  3. Make sure your homeowners insurance will not go  way up or drop you

    because of the breed. We found this out and I'm just trying to pass the info along

  4. Very cute. Looks like a Beagle mix.

  5. its so cute! i think u should go there save her life. And spend ur life with her. and if u need any training tips if u get her. then email me.


  6. I think she is beautiful. She looks like a beagle. But it does mention separation anxiety. What are you willing to do with her to work on that? Do you work? Where will she be when you work? You certainly cant start out leaving her home alone.

    Just make sure you have solutions to the problems BEFORE you bring her home.

    Good luck!

  7. Really cute dog, I would get her if I were you.

  8. he is such a cute puppy  

  9. If your willing to provide training- she seems like a great puppy.  

  10. As with any pet don't just go for cute. Think about your personality and the dogs and do they match. Too many people go for cute and can't handle the type of care the dog needs. Separation anxiety a dog will usually tear things up. If you have the patience and the time to devote to caring for a more hyper dog then go for it. They need a lot more exercise to release that type of energy.

  11. CUTE! I Would get her...

  12. Very adorable.  Do all the research, meet her, and then think about adopting her!  =]

  13. I think that she is just adorable!

    Before you adopt the dog, make sure you study on the breed.

    Before I ever got my dog, I researched on the breed so I knew all it's common health problems and I found a few ways to prevent those health issues and I knew all the nessasary items to take care of him.

    Study so you will be well prepared to have a healthy and loving dog.

    Take a visit to the local shelter and visit her, see if she is right for you.

    Then you can adopt if you really want here.

    Thank you for deciding to adopt an animal.

    You are really saving 1 of a million dogs.

    Hope this helps, good luck!


  14. She's cute! I would go for it.

  15. Looks like you will need a crate, shes not potty trained.  Also, hounds tend to howl and cry and this could drive your neighbors crazy since it looks like the pup has separation anxiety.  Just know what you are getting into and you are re training her.  

    If you work full time try to see if you can go home on lunch breaks and if you decide to get her get her on the start of your weekend so you have a couple of full days to spend with her.  You might also consider getting up earlier so you can take her on a walk and wear her out a little in the morning.  pups need lots of exercise.  

    Of course she is lovely but just know what you can handle so you don't take her back to the pound.  Good luck!

  16. Looks like a cutie pie.  What do you think?  The opinion of people here is not what matters.  If YOU like the dog then go for it.

  17. It is not what we think, it is what YOU think. She looks healthy. Good for you for adopting. To save an animal is the best reward.If you really feel you can take the time for her and your other dogs can get along with her, then go ahead and adopt her. But make sure you can handle that many dogs. Again, thank you for adopting and saving a life.

  18. Adorable!!!! Plain and simple!!!

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