
What do you think of this quote I made up?

by  |  earlier

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"We only have ONE life to live, let's make the most out of it. Get your past struggles and pains off your chest, and just take one day at a time. Also, plan for the future."




  1. "I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do or any kindness I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it for I shall not pass this way again."

  2. well,it sure is a good quote i must sums life all up in one quote......i guess you do have a nice view on an individuals past experiences......i agree that experiences do teach one to be mature internally and externally as well.....i leave the rest to you......

  3. Is there any cliche that isn't in there?

  4. i think its about =enjoy our life because we only have one life=


  5. Good message, but kind of choppy. I would try to shorten it up with stronger more meaningful words. Something like...

    "This life we have is meant for us, NOW. Not giving strength to the troubles we all face would only brighten our futures."

  6. I prefer the more honest " Lifes a b**** and then you die!"

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