
What do you think of this quote by this amazing man?

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The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on and individual level. It's got to happen inside first. You can take away a man's political freedom and you won't hurt him- unless you take away his freedom to feel. That can destroy him. That kind of freedom can't be granted. Nobody can win it for you.”

Jim Morrison




  1. wow thats really true and very well said.

  2. Thats a really good quote and I loved the doors.

  3. I agree totally. And he is amazing. Only the good die young.

  4. freedom is an illusion - we've only enough freedom to support the status quo and the status quo is determined by a very select few.  Everything else is against the law.

  5. the quote is amazing.

  6. Nice. It's true.

  7. very well-said

  8. Terrific quote ... inimitable young man in his time ... great band (I actually got to see them perform before they hit it big with "Light My Fire" back in 66-67 ... paid $1.25 to get in).

    And, in my view, "kessie" nails it.

    Morrison's quote is as relevant and powerful in 2008 as when he penned those words ... and it has an added poignancy in a country like the US when you realize how many people are simply consumed by consumerism ... as if it is some ameliorative ointment for the generalized inability to be free ...

    Indeed, the primary reason there has been no revolution here in the states isn't because one isn't long overdue -or deserved ... from nine robed elitists usurping the votes from millions of citizens back in 2000 to the crass and utter indifference of government leadership to oblige the will of the people, it seems reasonable to believe that any moral and examined populace would have taken to the streets long ago ....

    However, when the president of the US can get in front of an international audience a few days after the unfathomable tragedy of 9/11 and quip, "go out to the malls," you gotta believe we're in way over our heads.

    Freedom ... shopping .... freedom .... unfettered consumerism .... freedom .... infinite expansion (the tired mantra of the capitalists) ... it is all quite silly.

    However, even if a few brave were to remove the collective mask and demand the shift ... the status quo (as "kessie" aptly pointed out) would be willing and quite able -in a blink- to crush it ... another of the dangerous signs of our fall from grace and democracy, that is, we spend more on military and defense than we do on education, caring for our citizens and our troops, or any other humane offering.

    Maybe, just maybe, when enough men and women from our military services come to fully understand they are nothing more than defenders of the "few" and not of "democracy," then they will put down their weapons, say no to the status quo, and join the march toward true freedom.  

    P.S.  Wouldn't it be glorious -pure bliss- to see thousands of uniformed military personnel marching to the very homes of the Bushes, Cheneys, Roves, and Rices and lay down their weapons on their doorsteps with the simple and clear message, "here, go fight your own war ... we'd rather stay here and protect our freedom."

  9. That' s awesome

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