
What do you think of this quote i created?

by  |  earlier

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'Them wings of Angels remain unseen while the horns of Devils linger on the shoulders.'

its about moving on from the past and focusing on your future




  1. i read that, and it meant to me that the bad reins over the good.  

  2. i think your quote would sound better if like this

    'Whilst the wings of angels remain unseen the devil shall linger on your shoulders'

    Meaning you should let go of the bad and embrace the good.Not to be rude but it sounds better this way, makes a bit more sense if you will.

  3. thats really cool, do you like mine.

    'oh life you can take it first steps yoy walk in to a brick wall, you try you best to stand tall'

    its talks about keeping strong and never giving up.

    but also its from the Take That single I'd Wait For Life' its the B-side tract to the single.

  4. HUH?

    devils have horns on their shoulders?

    and isn't there only ONE devil?

    makes no sense...

  5. when I read it I think of is you can always see evil but the goodness is "unseen"....the meaning and the quote doesn't fit ^^

  6. Why would horns be on their shoulders? XD

    Sorry XD.. I like the quote. ^^ It's a nice way to put what you said. ^^

  7. Would never get what it meant - sorry.

  8. As along as you get it that's all that matters but it is a bit confusing

  9. Here's a good one I just made up :

    "It's a long way to tip a rary".

  10. Right On!

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